Following their announcement in January that they're adapting Dan O’Bannon's original Alien screenplay into a five-issue comic book series, Dark Horse Comics has now announced that they're also teaming up with Twentieth Century Fox to give the same ambitious treatment to the original screenplay...
The Dune Series Dune By Frank Herbert Receiving a fresh adaptation scheduled to release in December, Frank Herbert's series weaves an assortment of royal families, political drama, and imaginative sci-fi concepts. In a universe where the most influential resource is a drug that must be harvested...
by Lisa Babick TVfanatic “A truly boring character”: Dune: Prophecy’s 1 Frustrating Mistake Makes It an Unworthy Successor to Denis Villeneuve’s Masterpiece Films 12/18/2024 by Diya Majumdar FandomWire Iron Man “My biggest fear…”: Is the Strongest Avenger Brie Larson Not Famous Enough ...
It's a similar story on the graphical side, as we still see continued improvement in Geekbench's Metal results. The jump from M1's 33,277 result to 45,836 in M2 is largely down to a switch from 8 GPU cores to 10 cores being tested. The M3 being tested again has 10 GPU cores, a...
A photo that looks eerily similar to one Lark has recently seen while perusing a box of her family mementos. Lark’s husband encourages her to go to Dune House with her photo to see if she can lay claim to some of the Paget millions. Such a windfall would enable them to tell ...
Many books in this genre however deal with the “soft sciences” such as sociology or ecology to speculate about the future of the human race. Science Fiction examples: Duneby Frank Herbert The Left Hand of Darknessby Ursula K. Le Guin ...
Now Playing: Dune Awakening Reveal Trailer | Gamescom ONL 2022 "It's similar to the books, but we've gone with an alternate history, like a 'what-if', if you want," Bylos said. "We worked closely with the Herbert [family] and Legendary [Pictures], and we...
Each month we ask our Facebook followers for a book or series recommendation based on a particular genre or similar parameters – and then print the answers in our mid-month newsletter. I thought it would be a good idea to have a separate page listing these, as I use it as a reference...
An utterly new universe, in the spirit of Lovecraft and Dune -Author and editor Jeff Duntemann This is a heck of a read. The story is crazy - and I mean that in the best possible way. -Author Russell Newquist Such an exceptional series with some of the most unique world building I ha...
Thanks to the members of BSC I recently discovered Martin’s epic series and it is now among my favorite fantasy books. Martin writes a story on an epic scale but it is really the wonderfully complex characters that carry this series. There are some truly shocking plot-developments and I ...