IndieReader, one of the original book review services for small press, hybrid and self-published authors, is looking forprofessional book reviewers with previous editorial experience(preferably writing book reviews). The position pays $40-$45 per 350-400 word review. Reviewers will be credited for...
couple, but their families along with them, are united by marriage.Three Days in Juneis a story about love in different forms, but at its heart it's a compassionate portrait of how muddling through may just turn out to be the path to happiness. --Harvey Freedenberg, freelance reviewer ...
Dmetri Kakmi was born in Turkey to Greek parents. His fictionalized memoir Mother Land was shortlisted for the New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards in Australia; and is published in England and Turkey. Dmetri also edited the acclaimed children’s anthology When We Were Young. His essays...
Longer answer: You can make money, but you may not be able to make a living. If you’re looking to get paid to read books as a career, you’ll probably need to pursue jobs in publishing, which can be hard to come by. Expect to earn a related degree and work your way up from ...
Thornton's conclusions will be reinforced." Reviewer Robert M. McAllister General Book Reviews (Alphabetical - Book Title) ABack to Top A BETTER WAR: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America's Last Years in Vietnam, Lewis Sorley A MAN OF INTELLIGENCE: Memoirs of War, Peace, ...
--Rebecca Foster, freelance reviewer, proofreader and blogger at Bookish Beck Discover: Lidia Yuknavitch's bold memoir-in-essays focuses on pivotal scenes and repeated themes from her life as she reckons with trauma and commemorates key relationships. Riverhead, $29, hardcover, 224p., ...
Dr. Schillace is a research associate at the Dittrick Museum of Medical History, managing editor of Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, a book reviewer for the Huffington Post, and chief editor for the Fiction Reboot and Daily Dose blog. Her non-fiction book Death’s Summer Coat: What the ...
In one of the most famous hatchet jobs in the history of reviewing, Keats�s rambling "poetic romance" Endymion was described by a contemporary reviewer in Blackwood�s Magazine as "imperturbable driveling idiocy," a phrase so colorful that modern paperback publishers might even entertain the ...
But while the U.N. is providing a platform for governments to express their concerns, the process seems unlikely to yield substantive new legally binding restrictions. The United States, Russia, Australia, Israel and others have all argued that no new international law is needed for now, while...
Reviewer's Choice How to Get a Green Card, twelfth edition Ilona Bray, Loida Nicolas Lewis, and Kristina Gasson Nolo Press 950 Parker Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 9781413322552, $39.99, PB, 416pp, It is no secret that the U.S. immigration system is an ...