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Thebook reviewerwho changed his mind. My publisher sent an advanced copy of the the no Asshole Rule to thebook reviewerat a well-known magazine.───叙说人奥古斯特·布瑞尔是个有点年纪的图书评论家,他和女儿米兰姆、孙女卡蒂亚一起居住,在佛蒙特州打发那些失眠的日日夜夜。
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook literary criticism (redirected fromBook reviewer) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Criticism, Dramatic and Literary See Also:WRITERS/WRITING,POETS/POETRY Aired their grievances like the wash —Daphne Merkin ...
网络书评撰稿人 网络释义 1. 书评撰稿人 出版专业英语词汇 - 清扬古风的日志 - 网易博客 ... book review 书评book reviewer书评撰稿人book sales exhibition 图书展销 ...|基于31个网页 释义: 全部,书评撰稿人
The meaning of BOOK REVIEWER is one who reviews books especially for a magazine or newspaper.
book reviewer “book reviewer”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 书评撰稿人 相关词语 bookreviewer
将“book reviewer"翻译成意大利文 critico letterario是将“book reviewer"翻译成 意大利文。 译文示例:Klausen employed by the local rag as a freelance book reviewer.’ ↔ Klausen collaboratore del giornale locale come re-censore free-lance.» ...
书评 或者 书籍介绍
If you are an editor, book reviewer or a journalist and would like to review or support a review of one or multiple books by Springer Nature, we are happy to support your endeavor. We acknowledge and deeply value the time that reviewers and journalists spend writing about our books. Please...