Book Publishing Companies is a fully searchable database of book publisher listings. We have 100s of books publishers.
One of the largest distributors of indie eBooks, Smashwords is a well-known name in the industry. The platform makes it fast and easy for authors to publish anddistribute eBooksto major retailers. In addition to this, the platform gives complete control to authors and publishers over the pricin...
Explore: Best Print On Demand Photo Book Publishers In Conclusion If you are an audiobook enthusiast, these free audiobook apps will feed your curiosity. These apps contain great book collections to give you plenty of genres to choose from. The fact that each app has a distinct set of free ...
a motivational book, a poetry book or novel — your path to publishing had just started. You might shop that book around to vanity presses or self-publishing companies looking for acontract. Or you might pay high fees to an agent to hustle that book in front of publishers. If you were ...
No, we are still doing the same things we have always done to help publishers and authors get their books in the hands of readers around the world. You can read more about how we do that here. Did your tax ID number change?Toggle Answer No, we still use the same tax ID number and...
example, we know that Amazon has over 80% of the book market share. But if you set up your book for wide distribution through an aggregator, you can tap into a huge international market. This could lead to other publishing opportunities such as having your book sold to foreign publishers....
How self-publishers can protect their writing investment When personal computers were first introduced in the 1980s, there were no standards for exchanging files. With more than a dozen word processing programs in wide use, and no PDF format, you would have to ask the receiving party what soft...
We publish leadership, business, inspirational, memoir, political, spiritual, historical fiction, and more. View All What would you like to learn about? Suncoast Digital Press book publishers watch to learn exactly what you need in order to write and publish a successful breakthrough book. ...
5 questions an editor will ask before buying your book. If you miss even one, it’s no sale. Why it’s highly unlikely that you’re the first author to present publishers with the idea for the book you want to write … and how to get them to buy it anyway. ...
Know how to avoid getting ripped-offby vanity publishers that will take your money and fail to deliver the sales. Create passive income, for life!I am still getting paid from books I wrote in the 1990's. It makes a great retirement bonus!