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Seacoast Press is a premier, award-winning book publisher in the state of NH. Located along the Seacoast of New Hampshire in Portsmouth, Seacoast Press serves local New England authors in NH, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut as well as authors throughout the USA. ...
This section applies to California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, Oregon, Texas, Montana, Iowa, Delaware, New Hampshire, Nebraska, and New Jersey residents and provides additional information pursuant to applicable state privacy laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"), t...
(Library Science & Bibliography)USandCanadiana vehicle providing lending library facilities. Also called (in Britain and certain other countries):mobile library Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 200...
photographing all the time. I would post on what was then Twitter and Instagram, and for a while I had a blog calledRiver Diaries, where I would write about the mighty Ganga-Brahmaputra river basin. I guess it caught the eye of publishers and one editor of Pan Macmillan--Teesta Guha Sar...
Rhode Island Flag of Rhode Island Delaware Flag of Delaware South Dakota Flag of South Dakota North Dakota Flag of North Dakota Alaska Flag of Alaska Washington D.C Flag of Washington D.C Vermont Flag of Vermont Wyoming Flag of Wyoming America Flag of America World World publishersCompany...
Ella's Friends, the support group for the Ella Johnson Memorial Library in Hampshire, will hold a book sale Oct. Ella's Friends to host book sale KARACHI -- The World's Biggest Book Sale the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale has officially launched its very first sale in Karachi at the Expo Cent...
Company Profile Melville House is an independent publisher based in Brooklyn, New York. It was founded in 2001 by sculptor Valerie... Verso Books Reviews Company Profile Verso Books is one of the leading independent publishers known for its bold and thought-provoking works. It puts out... ...
1949, HTH Publishers NO LONGER AVAILABLE (CURRENTLY OUT OF PRINT) This is Shuttle Craft Monograph Thirty-six. It documents a weave that is primarily a multi-shaft weave derived from the Summer and Winter system. After some basic definitions and an explanation of the draft structure used in thi...