and marketing. Our experienced team of specialists is here to help you create the highest quality books, no matter the genre. We work with authors and even publishers to ensure that their books reach their target audiences in the most effective way possible. With our personal touch and dedicati...
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Looking for a professional book editor? Getting feedback from an experienced external editor is the best way to improve a manuscript. Traditional publishers have always relied on the personal interaction between editor and author as a way to hone their works. Modern digital-first publishers use the...
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MN. It will feature hands-on sessions, workshops, and other educational opportunities for independent, hybrid, and author publishers, as well as university and association presses. The Independent Book Publishers Association is in the process of finalizing the schedule. To find out more, checkhttps...
a.the modification of a computer file by, for example, deleting, inserting, moving, or copying text b.(as modifier):editing software. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011,...
this is a FREE service for authors and publishers. We will eventually need to charge a small fee for the service, but we’ll let you know before then. And you won’t lose any data or email addresses ever, even if you opt out at that point. Give it a try now and start selling mo...
The blog platform for professional publishers that comes complete with all the tools you need taking all the hassles of publishing. Since the most primary goal of bloggers is how to monetize their blogs,Versthelps you with that by providing one-click insights and suggestions to improve your conv...
Jan 30 2025: The Authors Guild has launched a certification system, “Human Authored,” intended to provide authors and publishers with a way to distinguish their work in an “increasingly AI-saturated market.” The system will provide an official mark on books registered by its author ... Fu...