原文在图中 H5 we come -country c ony f - - - »f io cen to be se around the wodd 201S1231 gl - ^ - - - - - - - 三 13.1K M 叫 lord mayor Clover Moore revealed closely guarcM pUns to (urn (he Sydney Harbour Bridge men a giant canvas,using new iechnokgie5 to pfes m...
3901, ASEM Tower; 159, Samsung-dong, Gangnam-Gu; Seoul 135-798, Republic of Korea Apple South Asia Pte. Ltd. 7 Ang Mo Kio Street 64 Singapore 569086 Apple Computer Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Room 1815, No. 1 Jilong Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai 200131 China Apple Asia...
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44 Asia-Pacific Yearbook 2013 13 Case Study Tigerspike Opening the Sydney Opera House to the Global Stage through Mobility The Tigerspike Team The iconic Sydney Opera House (SOH) has unlocked the power of personal media—transforming discovery, engagement and ticketing for audiences through an ...
Jimmy is now hangimg with his friendsz in Minecr**t when he suddenly sess a meteor fall down right in front of him a npte says "Like what made -sincerely Notch" suddenly jacob (or one of Jimmy's friends it's hard to keep trax Ok so just wanted tp...
/s?ptemb?/ 九月 France /fr ɑ :ns/ 法国 because /bik?z/ 因为 Rome / r?um/ 罗马 few /fju: / 不多的 Italy / it ?li / 意大利 a few 几个 Russia / `r???/ 俄罗斯 ago / ?ɡ?u/ 以前 sure / ?u?/ 一定的 bought /b?:t/ buy 的过去式 Moscow / m?sk?u/ 莫斯科 February...
ksi:d/ 成功利 trick , /trik/ 捉弄 test /test/ told /t?uld/ tell的去式 news /nju:z/ 消息 review /rivju:/ 复 Oh,dear!天哪! came /keim/ come的去式 surprise /s?praiz/ 使惊 himself /himself/ 他自己 L8 3+4+1+2 born /b?:n/ 出生 September(Sep.)s?ptemb?// 九月 because ...
鲁教版英语六年级下册课本同步单词表(字母序带音标)--第1页 鲁教版英语六年级(五四制初一)下册单词表(字母序) A 1alittle[əlitl]少量;稍许 2ability[əbiliti]n.能力;才干 3about[əbaut]prep.大约;关于;到处 4across[əkrɔs]prep.横过;在对面 ...
Bill Wee was the first international gold medallist in archery held at the New South Wales State Championship in Sydney in 1962. He founded Singapore’s first archery club in 1964 and the Archery Association of Singapore in 1967. BADMINTON Largest Badminton Rally More than 600 people turned ...
Januaryn.一月;正月[dʒænjuəri] Februaryn.二月[februəri] Marchn.三月[mɑ:tʃ] Apriln.四月[eiprəl] Mayn.五月[mei] Junen.六月[dʒu:n] Julyn.七月[dʒu:lai] Augustn.八月[ɔ:ɡʌst] Septembern.九月[səptembə] ...