Two cousins. On the one side is Empress Matilda, or Maud. The sole surviving legitimate child of Henry I, she is fighting for her birthright and that of her children. On the other side is her cousin, Queen Matilda, supporting her husband, King Stephen, and fighting to see her own son ...
The regiments within the division—Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Scots Guards, Irish Guards, and Welsh Guards—were meticulously prepared, blending battle-hardened veterans with rigorously trained recruits. The camaraderie and psychological cohesion that developed became a critical factor in their ba...
2ColdstreamGuardsColdstreambuttonsarearrangedinpairsaStaroftheGarterismarkedontheirbrassware.AStaroftheGarterismarkedontheirbrassware. 3ScotsGuardsScots’buttonsontheirtunicsarespacedinthrees 4IrishGuardsButtonsarewornintworowsoffour,reflectingtheregimentspositionasthefourthmostseniorGuardsregimentSt.Patricksblueplumeon...
(英国,苏格兰近卫军 Scots Guards,海普博恩少校 Maj Hepburn 指挥),1050 名常规步兵 霍高蒙驻军:萨尔顿上尉 Capt Lord Saltoun 第 1 近卫步兵团第 2 营轻步兵连(英国,第 1 近卫军 1st Guards,斯塔贝尔上尉 Capt Stables 指挥),104 名轻步兵 第 1 近卫步兵团第 3 营轻步兵连(英国,第 1 近卫军 1st ...
(英国,苏格兰近卫军Scots Guards,海普博恩少校Maj Hepburn指挥),1050名常规步兵 霍高蒙驻军:萨尔顿上尉Capt Lord Saltoun 第1近卫步兵团第2营轻步兵连(英国,第1近卫军1st Guards,斯塔贝尔上尉Capt Stables指挥),104名轻步兵 第1近卫步兵团第3营轻步兵连(英国,第1近卫军1st Guards,迪奥雷上尉Capt DOyly指挥),104...