剑桥商务英语UNIT 2B[宣贯].ppt,Vocabulary: Company Terms Work in pairs. Play this game. You each have five words. Prepare three definitions of each word but only one definition is correct. For example, if the word is “turnover”, your three definitions m
Students and career consultant. D. 正确答案:A 4 单选 Please match the types of personalities with the types of employees based on ohn Holland Vocational Test in Lesson 3. a. investigative g. the Do-ers 严禁转载 Toyzz 1/21 原创力 Toyzz b. realistic h. the organizers c. conventional i....
The prize-winner cannot choose the prize that costs more than $500. 7. The prize-winner can only have material awards and no day off. [[答案]T]二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50 分 ) 。第 3 4 页共 7 8 页 THE RIGHT WAY TO MOTIVATE EMPLOYEES Its important for a CEO to be...
第 1 页,共 120 页 VC)CABULARY FoCUS TeaChing StePS EXerCiSe A B • HaVe StUdentS I Sten and repeat the WOrdS, teach ng the def n t on fbr each one. YOU Can CheCk the r PrOnUnC at on and ComPrehenS on by ask ng quest ons, SUCh as: Who WoUId you turn to f you had ...
First, we can choose the job that has someth ing relate with our future job, so that we can have the work experie nee. Such as if I want to be a teacher in the future, the n I can choose to be a tutor, so whe n I find the job as my career, I will be competitive. Second...
pitfalls here if you don’t know what you are doing), what price you should stick on that book of yours so that you can be enticing to readers but still make some scratch, and a few pointers on how to sell the blasted thing – as if you didn’t have enough to be getting on ...
There are many ways to run a campaign, so it’s best to choose metrics that align with your campaign goals. For example, click-through rates (CTR) might be important for ads trying to convert prospects into customers, while cost per impression (CPM) may be more important for brand ...
1What factors should be taken into consideration when choosing a career? 2What would you like to choose? A low-paid job you like or a well-paid but boring job? 3As a college student, how can you start to plan an ideal future career from now on? 4.Where will you go after graduation...
人教版高中英语Book 3 Unit4 career-planning(共84张PPT)UnitFour CareerPlanning 第一页,共84页。UnitFour 第二页,共84页。•Task1:DifferentOccupations•Task2:WhatKindofJobIsSuitableforYou?•Task3:WhereWillYouGoafterGraduation?•Task4:VideoClip•Task5:ProverbsandSayings 第三页,共84页。Unit4...