athe dispute shall be referred to Arbitration, to be conducted under the provision of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 including any amendments thereof. 争执将是提到的仲裁,将被举办在仲裁和缓和行动的供应之下1996年包括因此所有校正。[translate] ...
‘conciliation’interchangeablyasdonepreviouslybytheSupremeCourtofIndiaandasdocumentedintheSingaporeConvention.9PartIIIoftheArbitrationandConciliationAct1996(“ACAct”)whichdealswithconciliationisthusrenderedotioseandconsequently,theMediationActseekstoremovetheprovisionsonconciliationfromtheACAct.10 B.ApplicabilityoftheMedi...
on the date on which the parties consented to submit such dispute to conciliation or arbitration and any juridical person which had the nationality of the Contracting State party to the dispute on that date and which, because of foreign control, the parties have agreed should be treated as a ...
控诉职能accusationfunction扣押distrainon;attachment扣押物distress/distraint 宽限期periodofgrace 劳动争议仲裁申请书petitionforlabordisputearbitration 劳改场reform-through-laborfarm 劳教所reeducation-through-laboroffice 类推判决的核准程序procedureforexaminationandapprovalofanalogicalsentence ...
Conciliation is not like lawsuit or arbitration which have strict process, but necessary rules are needed to ensure smooth carrying out of conciliation. To avoid hostile using of conciliation against other party, it's necessary to define right and obligation of parties, the neutrality of conciliator...
The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service(ACAS): a Crown non-departmental public body of the Government of the United Kingdom. Its purpose is to improve organizations and working life through the promotion and facilitation of strong industrial relations practice. 4. Occupational Safety and ...
Article 15 Settlement of disputes Where a dispute arises between two or more States Parties regarding the interpretation or application of this Convention, they shall seek to resolve their dispute, in the first instance, through negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial ...
如1961年的「国际商务仲裁欧洲公约」(European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration)及1975年的「国际商务仲裁美洲间公约」(又称巴拿马公约)(Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration)等是。各国的仲裁法,乃至机构性的仲裁规则如国际商会调解及仲裁规则(ICC Rules of Conciliation and...
“any procedure that is used to resolve issues in controversy, including but not limited to, conciliation, facilitation, mediation, fact finding, minitrials, arbitration, and use of ombuds, or any combination thereof” - Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996 “解决争议问题的任何程序,包括但...
It elaborated on the formal approach of restrictions on the resort to war. Members of the League of Nations were first and foremost obliged to submit a dispute to inquiry, arbitration, or to the Council of the League. Any war had to be postponed until three months after the arbitrators’ ...