Out of the 12 books that were not by Pete Fromm, the best one is definitelySukkwan Islandby David Vann. I couldn’t write the thorough billet I would have liked to because of the no-spoilers etiquette but there’s much to say about it. This book sold a lot of copies in France and...
SectionATheconfusingpursuitofbeauty ProjectoftheunitInspiringyourthoughts EnhancingyourskillsPresentingyourproject 2 Projectoftheunit Lead-in Projectforecasting Projectoftheunit TaskExpressyourideasaboutphysicalappearance.Step1Watchthevideoclipanddiscussthefollowingquestioninpairs.Whyareplasticsurgerysopopularamongthose...
so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and
SectionATheconfusingpursuitofbeauty ProjectoftheunitInspiringyourthoughts EnhancingyourskillsPresentingyourproject 3 Projectoftheunit Lead-in Projectforecasting Projectoftheunit TaskExpressyourideasaboutphysicalappearance.Step1Watchthevideoclipanddiscussthefollowingquestioninpairs.Whyareplasticsurgerysopopularamongthose...
understanding. Americanhighereducation IntheUnitedStates,studentscanchoosetogotocollegeafterhighschool.(Theycanalsochoose togostraighttotheworkforceafterhighschool.)Theyhavetheoptionofattendingatwo-year communitycollegebeforeapplyingtoafour-yearuniversity.Admissiontocommunitycollegeis easier,tuitionislower,andclasssizes...
She always does everything by thebook. 她总是照章行事。 牛津词典 I'm in her goodbooksat the moment because I cleared up the kitchen. 她现在对我有好感,因为我把厨房清理干净了。 牛津词典 thebooksof the Bible 《圣经》中各卷 牛津词典 ...
Three crucial benefits provided by solitude: new ideas; and understanding of the self; and closeness to others. Regular doses of solitude, mixed in with our default mode of sociality, are necessary to flourish as a...
B.Change. C.Self-love. 16.What is the impact of being stuck? A.It leads to physical pain. B.It results in a bad smell. C.It causes emotional stress. 17.Where does the conversation probably take place? A...
根据文章第二段“Deep down,this is not an Instagram problem; it’s a people problem.(实际上,这不是Instagram 的问题;这是人的问题)”及最后一段“Self-esteem issues have an underlying cause — one that’s independent of social media use. Instagram merely enhances those feelings because it ...