whom that Wordwas going to burn - if Abraham at this point had begged of Yahweh the grace to substitute Isaac with a ram that he could look for onthe mountainside and if Yahweh had agreed, “Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to cut his son’s throat”If after thre...
Bishop Marcion preached — unfortunately in vain, for he lost a power struggle over what was correct Church doctrine — that the cruel tribal God of the Jews, Yahweh, who promised power, riches and vengeance to one single people,the Jews, wasclearly and utterly different from themerciful...
西方文明史讲解要点1讲课讲稿.pdf,Part I The Ancient Near East Chapter 1 The Origins of Western Civilizations 第一章主要介绍两个东西,一是新石器时代的革命性变化及其对文明产生 的重大意义, 二是前两千年之前的两个古老文明: 苏美尔 (包扩其继承者阿卡德 和旧巴