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LaPulia Book of Shadows, Magic Grimoires, Spell Books, and Ancient Occult Books leather-bound Magic Volumes for modern Witches and Wizards.
a repository of knowledge, and a record of spiritual experiences for practitioners of Wicca. Crafting your own Book of Shadows is a magical journey, as it allows you to infuse it with your intentions, beliefs, and unique energy. This enchanting grimoire becomes a reflection of your spiritual ...
Get the essentials for your first games of Magic: The Gathering, including two different guided deck experiences, reference booklets, playmats, and bonus packs for easy jump-in play with a friend. All you need to do is start! Contents: 2 Instant-Play Decks (20 cards each), 8 Themed ...
The Book of Shadows电子书 售价:¥55.31 1人正在读 |0人评论 9.8 作者:Reese, James 出 版 社:HarperCollins e-books 出版时间:2009-10-13 字数:89.7万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>小说 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印 ...
so distinctly do I feel them as people, so sharply outlined do they appear against the walls of my room, at night, in shadows... I've written sentences whose sound, read out loud or silently (impossible to hide their sound), can only be of something that acquired absolute exteriority ...
Most telling is the remark that the head and tail do not seem to belong on the same animal. France suggests a turtle entangled in a fishing net, with the mesh and its contents – broken floats, brown seaweed, and other debris – giving the impression of a long tail. Unfamiliarity and ...
The rage of the storm. Lost Lake 08 Nyanja Two-tailed trickster. Canyon Crossing 09 Kendo A wandering rōnin with a restless spirit. Nightshift Forest 10 Ryūji Dive into the heart of the dragon. The Giant Turtle 11 Shadow Blade Hope See through the shadows. Hopeful ...
shadows and hearts of the dead," the Egyptians decided to invoke the aid of Thoth on behalf of their dead and to place them under the protection of his almighty spells. Inspired by Thoth the theologians of ancient Egypt composed a large number of funerary texts which were certainly in genera...