🎉 SermonAudio is proud to launch our brand new website! This is a milestone that has been many years in the making. Built from the ground up to make use of modern web technologies, the new website offers a smoother experience on both desktop browsers and mobile devices. Learn more ...
THE BOOK OF ROMANS Paul, the Apostle. Paul clearly states that he is the author Rom. 1:1, and the personal references and facts given in Romans 15...
Romans 2:1-11 1:08:41 David Barrett • 5/12/24 使徒保羅與羅馬輩書 1:1-11 Romans 1:26-32 1:05:48 David Barrett • 5/5/24 使徒保羅與羅馬輩書 1:26-32 Romans 1:18-25 1:00:50 David Barrett • 4/14/24 使徒保羅與羅馬輩書 1:18-25 Romans 1:1-18 1:04:02 David ...
Paul’s style is unique throughout this letter to the Romans. This is one of the longest letters that Paul wrote. Paul’s style was, in his time, called a “diatribe”. The letter was more of a sermon to the ...
As I am preaching a Lenten sermon series on spiritual practices, including both inward and outward ones, this seemed like an apt time to seek O’Connor’s wisdom in a new arena, even though this book is old and set in a different era. ...
The first of the major multi-volume “Christian Origins and the Question of God” series by N.T. Wright is dedicated to him, and his lively, creative commentaries (written with partner Sylvia Keesmaat), Colossians Remixed and Romans Disarmed, are among my all-time favorite books on the Bible...
The Book of Psalms and the Letter to the Romans were the scriptural foundation that produced the Reformation. The Psalms gave joy, courage, and strength in days of trial and danger. "The Lutheran Reformation restored congregational singing." He gave an even greater impetus to the reformation mov...
As a result of his personal journey towards learning how to pray, Paul Miller’s notes were first turned into a sermon series, then developed into a seminar on prayer, which then evolved into hisA Praying Life ministry. His wife and some colleagues then encouraged him to write his book,A ...
They both started their message/sermon with a scripture, but then went off in a long series of stories and personal anecdotes which had little or anything to do with that verse. It seems they are people who just love to talk, and are never short for words. It strikes me that the forma...
Meeting Fife was important for my mom and dad as they heard first hand stories of (to use the language of Jesus’s first sermon in Luke 4) those working to proclaim “liberty to the captives” and setting the oppressed free. That their life-long political party was sneaking into Bible ...