Chapter 64 (57) (57) Chapters 64, 65, 66 and the first verse of 67 evidently contain a vision of Noah and not of Enoch (Laurence, p. 78). 1In those days Noah saw that the earth became inclined, and that destruction approached. 2Then he lifted up his feet, and went to the ends...
《小确幸》(第6章-13章)英汉翻译报告.pdf,摘要 本次翻译文本选择梅丽莎·希尔的 《小确幸》。该翻译材料于2021年9 月21 日由 联合湖出版社出版,约95500 字。全书共53 章,译者选取第六章到第十三章作为翻译 材料,共11142 个字。该书以主人公乔安娜和罗密的角度作为切入