#2)by Douglas Adams: I suspect this was a matter of timing. I decided to do an audio re-read of the series (I’d previously read books 1 – 3, many years ago) and had a lot of fun with the first audiobook. This 2nd one just didn’t work for me — but I may have been ...
Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Meeghan Reads— check out the next batch of upcoming topics here. This week’s topic is Top 5 books I want to buy in 2025, with the prompt: Is there a book coming out in 2025 that you absolutely want to buy? Even if you don’t want to...
and goddammit, no, I refuse—your life is not worth it and neither is mine—there are too many of us human cockroaches around and you know what, if half of us die, whatever, life will go on—I’d rather die than spend another fall...
You will find subreddits on almost every topic, ranging from nostalgic content to the field of future studies and speculation about humanity and civilization. Plus, you will find video streamers, seasoned professionals, bloggers, meme-makers, news junkies, artists, and creators of all types. Join...
It is here that we will come to learn and become aware of both the coming arrival, as well as the “I am always with you” presence – of the eternal Light of God. May God be with us, and bless us, Everyone. Share this: Facebook Email Tumblr Pinterest Twitter Reddit Loading......
Reddit作为创立了19年的社区产品带有浓重的BBS属性,类似于国内的天涯和贴吧,是美国第五大网站,流量次于 Google、YouTube、Facebook 以及Amazon。 招股书里显示有 3.3 亿月活跃用户,7310 万日活跃用户,10 万个活跃子社区。64%的Reddit用户在18岁-29岁,是典型的年轻化平台,也被称为“Meme概念股”(专门玩梗)。
Do you need to introduce some routine in your Sundays? Here is an idea: in Chapter 2 Please click on the excerpt to read more about the book and discover the fabulous reviews it got during the tour. Click on the logo to join the meme...
You may have noticed an odd new trend over the past couple of months on some of largest meme-sharing Facebook pages. Run a quick search on “split memes” on Twitter, Reddit, or Facebook, and you’ll find dozens of posts spanning the past two months from people all being driven craz...
They're not alone in their surprise, as other parents demonstrated in a Reddit thread about Icebreaker a few months ago. SEE ALSO: Teens who talk about their mental health on this app may be taking a big risk While Icebreaker was published last year, it continues to stir controversy on B...
Reddit 9GAG Pinterest Flickr Tumblr Vimeo IFunny Coub VK Odnoklassniki Pikabu Bugs Unfortunately, each web-site is subject to change without any notice, so the tool may work incorrectly because of that. If that happens, please let me know via an issue. ...