#2)by Douglas Adams: I suspect this was a matter of timing. I decided to do an audio re-read of the series (I’d previously read books 1 – 3, many years ago) and had a lot of fun with the first audiobook. This 2nd one just didn’t work for me — but I may have been ...
My Little Free Library has seen quite a bit of action this past week, despite the awful rainy weather day after day. Lots of new additions, lots of books taken that had been there a while. I don’t typically take books from the LFL for my own collection… but I made an exception wh...
but rather for spiritual evolution during all times – for all souls – even while on Earth, and even if it takes many past and future lives, and many thousands and thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years or even for eternity. We...
You will find subreddits on almost every topic, ranging from nostalgic content to the field of future studies and speculation about humanity and civilization. Plus, you will find video streamers, seasoned professionals, bloggers, meme-makers, news junkies, artists, and creators of all types. Join...
Facebook meme pages are the source of comedy you didn’t even know you needed. Memes have become a crucial part of social media use, keeping us entertained for hours on end. Thanks to meme pages across the web, memes have become accessible wherever, whenever! Memes are among the most ...
You may have noticed an odd new trend over the past couple of months on some of largest meme-sharing Facebook pages. Run a quick search on “split memes” on Twitter, Reddit, or Facebook, and you’ll find dozens of posts spanning the past two months from people all being driven craz...
Reddit作为创立了19年的社区产品带有浓重的BBS属性,类似于国内的天涯和贴吧,是美国第五大网站,流量次于 Google、YouTube、Facebook 以及Amazon。 招股书里显示有 3.3 亿月活跃用户,7310 万日活跃用户,10 万个活跃子社区。64%的Reddit用户在18岁-29岁,是典型的年轻化平台,也被称为“Meme概念股”(专门玩梗)。
Facebook group members share. When I posted in my college's meme group looking for people to talk to for this story, sophomore Kelsey Wallace said that despite the fact that the group was primarily made for shitposting, the community provided something of an orientation to the school's ...
Reddit Pinterest Tumblr Posted in At Least Mildly Sappy, Pandemic Diary Leave a comment July 18, 2021 What next? i It’s coming on a year since I’ve moved out of the matrimonial house, four blocks over, to a 100-year old furnished garden flat in which I’d spend most of the pa...
Reddit-style speech libertarianism is very much an American concept, relying on the relatively unusual protections of the First Amendment. But rather than drifting towards an international consensus, York sees platforms as simply cut adrift, doing whatever fits the needs of their employees and users ...