简介 The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, written by Sogyal Rinpoche in 1992, is a presentation of the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism based on the Tibe...展开短评 打开App写短评 Meixg2023-10-27 20:18:46 前半部分讲生死的还不错,是一种超然的感觉。后面就不太行了。夹杂的私货有点多。
> The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 作者: Andrew Harvey, Sogyal Rinpoche 副标题: A New Spiritual Classic from One of the Foremost Interpreters of Tibetan Buddhism to the West isbn: 0062507931 书名: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 页数: 464 定价: USD 28.95 出版社: HarperOne 出版...
> 我来写笔记 > Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 作者: Sogyal Rinpoche 副标题: 10th Anniversary Edition Revised and Updated isbn: 0712615695 书名: Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 页数: 464 定价: £10.99 出版社: Rider Books 出版年: 2002-5-9 装帧: Paperback...
《Book Of Living And Dying》(Ghent, Natale)内容简介:Seventeen-year-old high-school student Sarah Wagner wrestles with her grief over losing her older br...
因此,永远都有希望 (这段话让困苦的自己在黑暗中看见了一丝曙光) 业是自然公正的过程。目前发生的一切,都反应过去的业。其实正经历的痛苦是过去业报的完成。 由于一切都是无常,流动和互相倚赖的,我们的一切行动和思想都会改变未来。 任何情境,即便再绝望或再可怕 譬如末期疾病,都可以用来进化 任何罪恶或坏事,都可...
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 索甲仁波切出生于西藏,由二十世纪最受敬重的精神导师蒋扬钦哲仁波切(Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro)养育长大。自幼年起,他就与上师培养出温馨亲密的关系,并沉浸在智慧、慈悲和恭敬心的氛围之中。这使他对佛法精髓有了深刻的了解,以此体验和身...
1927年8月12日,来自美国加州圣地牙哥市的伊文思(Walter Evans-Wentz)先生编辑、出版了一本名为《西藏死亡书》(The Tibetan Book of the Dead)的奇书,在英语世界引起轰动。这本书很快成为西方世界首屈一指的来自东方的圣书,一本超越时间的世界精神经典(a timeless world spiritual classic)。原本在西方很受推崇的...
Blake's view of death, as its poetic exploration in Milton suggests, was more complicated than most standard interpretations of it as simply the closing event of consciousness, and when Milton accepts his visionary mission to redeem his emanation Ololon, crying out "I go to Eternal Death" (...
v P l n h a P d M h s N B m D a t o i t r l k e y v t v i O l i n g s i a s n r c c , C e n a g g e i d The Pagan Book of Living and Dying 1/416 目录 详情页 下载 指南 购买全本 快捷键 上下翻页/左右翻页 F11 全屏阅读 目录 详情页 扫码下载APP ...