涉外法治法律英语教程 一、本文概述 1、课程背景和目标 随着全球化的深入发展,涉外法律事务在实践中日益重要。为了满足这一需求,我们推出了《涉外法治法律英语教程》,旨在培养学生掌握涉外法治领域的专业英语技能,提高他们在涉外法律事务中的实践能力。 本课程的目标是培养学生具备以下能力: 1、掌握涉外法治领域的专业英语...
Keywords Keywords KKeeyywwoorrddss: legal translation; translation of legal terms; functional equivalence; translation principles 2 摘要 翻译难,法律翻译更是难中之难。法律翻译的精髓在于法律术语的翻译。如何依托于法律思 想,准确传达源语言术语的意义是法律翻译亟待解决的重要问题。此外,寻求术语信息的对等也 ...
In terms of scope, the series encompasses four main areas, the first of which concerns international criminal law and especially international case law in relevant criminal law subjects. The second addresses international human rights law with a particular focus on the impact of international ...
The supply of sustainable fuels is on the rise – and that’s good news for planet Earth. We need them to reduce emissions in carbon-intensive air, sea, and road freight. But not everyone knows how to buy them? The solution is a ‘book and claim’ system. Here’s how it works. ‘...
面對壓力,Lenovo ThinkBook 15 Gen 4 (15 吋 Intel) 筆記簿型電腦處之泰然—裝置最高搭載第 12 代 Intel®Core™ 處理器與另購雙重 SSD 儲存裝置,容量高達 2TB,足以應對您一切運算需求;此外,智能冷卻功能可調整風扇速度、散熱容量與電池續航力,即使頻繁使用,系統仍能正常運行,順暢無比!
Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers authoritative law books, references, and current legal dictionary editions, backed by the legacy of West Publishing. Law books and other references can be viewed by jurisdiction, practice area, book format, or subject matter. Fuel your success with law book...
What’s your understanding on the statement that Incoterms is not law but important to the international business? What are the four basic functions of the WTO? How do you understand “treaty”? Name a treaty regulating international business tractions. Give an example of international business ...
商法名词解释(Interpretation of commercial law terms).doc,商法名词解释(Interpretation of commercial law terms) First, the noun explanation: 1, commercial law: the general term of the legal norms which regulate the object of commercial relations. Gener
keep the original vectors. This generally comes at the cost of a less precise search but these methods can scale to billions of vectors in main memory on a single server. Other methods, like HNSW and NSG add an indexing structure on top of the raw vectors to make searching more efficient...
功能对等视角下法律术语之英译——以《民法通则》英译本为例-english translation of legal terms from the perspective of functional equivalence a case study of the english version of CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONThe activity of translation has been of a long history either in the eastern countries or in the...