Holy Bible -The Book of Jasher is a Free and Offline Bible. Read the Bible with Audio, Many Reading Plans, Bible Quizzes, Bible Dictionary, Bible Quotes and muc…
Helena’s books carefully explain how the Language of God was understood and applied in writings such asthe Book of Enoch,in the Books of Jasher and Jubilees, inthe ancient Zodiac,inBlood Covenant ceremonies,and in later ritual observances that draw from one another. These includeChristmas,which...
The Book of EnochPDF is a Jewish work, ascribed to Enoch, the great-grandfather ofNoah. The texts were written in the years between 300 and 100 BC. The Book of Enoch is not accepted as part of theCanon of Scriptureas used by Jews, apart from theBeta Israel canon; nor by any Christi...