The real Book of Jasher was so highly regarded as to be quoted as the source of an account of the sun standing still.The other Biblical reference is to David's having archery taught to his army:(Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is ...
Cook: The Book of Abraham 129 THE QISAS AL-ANBIYA7 GENRE Anyone who probes into the highly oracular Qur'an, the primary sa- cred scripture of all Muslims, will immediately detect that its main nar- rative fibre is interwoven with numerous but sporadic extra-Biblical nar- ratives, allusions,...
Helena’s books carefully explain how the Language of God was understood and applied in writings such asthe Book of Enoch,in the Books of Jasher and Jubilees, inthe ancient Zodiac,inBlood Covenant ceremonies,and in later ritual observances that draw from one another. These includeChristmas,which...