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of functions from their integrals along certain manifolds,1917)提出了Radon变换,在数学、天文 学、医学和地球物理学等多个领域得到了很好地应用。庄广海(基于Radon变换的时频峰值 滤波在地震资料去噪上的应用,2015)将Radon变换和时频峰值滤波结合起来并很好地应用 于地震信号的去噪。 [0004]基于字典学习的稀疏变换...
The function f is called the integrand, the curve C is the domain of integration, and the symbol ds may be intuitively interpreted as an elementary arc length. Line integrals of scalar fields over a curve C do not depend on the chosen parametrization r of C. Geometrically, when the scalar...
of a step function 10.3Monotonic sequences of step functions 10.4Upper functions and their integrals 10.5Riemann-integrable functions as examples of upper functions 10.6The class of Lebesgue-integrable functions on a general interval 10.7Basic properties of the Lebesgue integral 10.8Lebesgue integration ...
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. . . . . 204 Rules for differentiation, 204.—Integral calculus, 204.—Table of integrals, 204. 1 Rates of Change 1.1 Change in discrete steps Toward the end of the eighteenth century, a German elementary school teacher decided to keep his pupils busy by assigning them a long, boring ...
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