Series: Natsume's Book of FriendsAuthor/Illustrator: Yuki MidorikawaPublisher: HakusenshaLanguage: Japanese Yuki Midorikawa’s delightful fantasy manga series Netsuke’s Book of Friends has released its third official fan book! This volume features over 100 pages of illustrations, articles...
The series is about Natsume, an orphaned teenage boy who can see spirits, who inherits from his grandmother the notebook she used to bind spirits under her control. Natsume's Book of Friends was a finalist for the first Manga Taishō award in 2008.关键词:...
VIZ Media LLC Natsume’s Book of Friends, Vol. 26 By Yuki Midorikawa Manga VIZ Media LLC Natsume’s Book of Friends, Vol. 26 (NOOK Edition) By Yuki Midorikawa Digital Edition VIZ Media LLC One Piece, Vol. 98 By Eiichiro Oda Manga VIZ Media LLC One Piece, Vol. 98: Vassals...
A multi-blog network of discussion, resources, roundtables, & reviews from Sean Gaffney, Kate Dacey, Anna Neatrour, Michelle Smith, MJ, & friends.
A multi-blog network of discussion, resources, roundtables, & reviews from Sean Gaffney, Kate Dacey, Anna Neatrour, Michelle Smith, MJ, & friends.
REASONS TO BUY:✨ Cartton book: cartton is a registered trademark of ohio, so you can buy with confidence! ✨ Small size: the size of this book is small, you can put it in a pocket or backpack. ✨ Best gift idea: this is a great gift idea for your friends, family and loved...
A multi-blog network of discussion, resources, roundtables, & reviews from Sean Gaffney, Kate Dacey, Anna Neatrour, Michelle Smith, MJ, & friends.
Nura features a clan heir dealing with yokai problems and trying to live a human life, but it is not episodic in its problems like Natsume’s Book of Friends. Where Does The Natsume Yuujinchou Anime Leave Off in The Manga? You have watched the anime, now it is time to pick up where...
A multi-blog network of discussion, resources, roundtables, & reviews from Sean Gaffney, Kate Dacey, Anna Neatrour, Michelle Smith, MJ, & friends.
A multi-blog network of discussion, resources, roundtables, & reviews from Sean Gaffney, Kate Dacey, Anna Neatrour, Michelle Smith, MJ, & friends.