Accidentsmayhappensuddenly.“Astormmayarisefromaclearsky,whilehumanfortunes(命运)areasunpredictableastheweather.”?Lead-in天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 Lead-inQ:Whatwillyoudowhenaccidentshappen?call120/anambulancesendfor(派人去请)adoctorbeforedoctor’scoming,givethefirstaidtimely FirstAidQuizPre-reading 1....
Nora: You seem to be on top of th e world tonight. Whafs up? John : Im so happy Im about to burst. Guess what? N ora : Youve got m e. John : It m ight be true that m isfortunes never come singly, but you can also have a “double b lessing ”. A n d tha f s ...
FicaI fortunes of na犭 ons扌And c。 uId frostⅡe at the heart。 f。ne olf the Iηost endurin〓 eEon。 mk唧:teHes of割l■ hdustΓhhe tionE如 -why aFle almost all the wlea时 be 平 f0凵 nd at latitude:above40de〓ree臼 rA△er抑o ye瞄臼 und a Piete ofthe PuEle■ Mastl...