Large portions of the Book of Enoch would have to be quoted to do justice to what is found in the above image of God’shouse/temple. But the following has been chosen because it relates best to the Mount of Transfiguration theme. “…I saw at the end of the Earth; the firmament of ...
[HI:EBOE] Essays on the Book of Enoch and Other Early Jewish Texts and Traditions. // Knibb, Michael A // Brill:2009. [HI:EBTO] Europe Between the Oceans--Themes and Variations 9000 BC to AD 1000. // Cunliffe, Barry // YaleUP:2008. [HI:ECA] The Earliest Christian Artifacts:...
University of Alabama to Cease Publication of Corolla YearbookCiting declining sales and financial losses, the committee thatoversees student media at the...Enoch, Ed