This doorstep-sized book provides a gripping account of Mr Musk’s extraordinary life.这本大部头书生动地描述了马斯克非凡的人生经历。But it is hard to escape the feeling that the story of Elon Musk is still only half told.但我们难免会觉得,埃隆·马斯克的故事还只讲了一半。(恭喜读完,本篇英...
新浪科技讯 北京时间1月3日早间消息,据报道,Facebook“吹哨人”弗朗西斯·豪根(Frances Haugen)表示,如果埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)想把推特变成公共广场,就应该对其算法开源。 马斯克之前曾经讨论过将推特打造成一个数字城镇广场,“以供讨论对人类未来至关重要的事情”。 豪根是在上周一接受媒体采访时谈论这一问题的。...
It's funny in a way that Musk spends so much time talking about man's survival but isn't willing to address the consequences of what his lifestyle does to his body. "Elon came to the conclusion early in his career that life is short," Straubel said. "If you really embrace this, it...
许多专家敦促我们需谨慎行事。乔治亚理工大学人工智能研究人员 Mark Riedl 告诉 Future of Life,人工智能训练优化奖励的方法,最终可能导致将人类视为其优化计划的威胁。 对人工智能发展的最强烈的警告来自 Elon Musk 和 Stephen Hawking 。他们争论中最突出的一点是,当我们察觉到风险时,可能为时已晚。 Ref: https:/...
Elon Musk将辞去特斯拉主席一职 | Facebook 遭网络攻击影响五千万用户 167305:48 Windows 10 设备数量突破7亿 | 李开复谈中国在AI领域的优势 185205:36 高通指控苹果窃取其商业机密 | Google 宣布改变 Chrome 的自动登录功能 167605:31 Instagram 联合创始人辞职 | 微软发布 Office 2019 155405:52 前谷歌CEO预言互...
Grant: Resilience is about the speed and strength of your response to adversity. The best thing you can do is build routines that might be applicable in an unexpected situation. SpaceX is an interesting example. CEO Elon Musk told us that because the rockets had failed over and over again,...
Elon Musk‘s Introduction About Elon Musk Elon Musk (born 28 June 1971) is a South African-born American entrepreneur. He is best known for founding SpaceX, and co-founding Tesla Motors and PayPal (initially known as He is currently the CEO and Chief Designer of SpaceX, CEO an...
特斯拉和 SpaceX 首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的净资产达到了惊人的 2300 亿美元,排名高居榜首。盖茨以 1300 亿美元排名第四,巴菲特以 1020 亿美元排名第十。 马斯克当时的身价已经几乎相当于另外两个亿万富翁:比尔·盖茨和沃伦·巴菲特的总和。
去年,这一领域又增加了两大重磅选手,2017年3月,由Elon Musk(伊隆·马斯克)和八名其他联合创办者创办Neuralink,该公司负责研发脑内植入的脑机接口技术。4月,Facebook 在F8开发者大会上宣布其神秘部门 Building 8 的一项重要项目就是脑机接口,好让人们能够用意念打字。
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