“The Book of Boba Fett,” a thrilling Star Wars adventure teased in a surprise end-credit sequence following the Season 2 finale of...
Star Wars surprised fans at the end of the last season of The Mandalorian with a teaser for a previously unannounced new Disney+ series: The Book of Boba Fett, starring Temuera Morrison as the franchise’s most famous bounty hunter. Last season of The Mandalorian saw the return of Boba, ...
“The Book of Boba Fett,” a thrilling Star Wars adventure teased in a surprise end-credit sequence following the Season 2 finale of “The Mandalorian,” finds legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett and mercenary Fennec Shand navigating the galaxy’s underworld when they return to the sands of ...
But what we didn't say in that announcement is the next show coming up — what Kathy called 'the next chapter' — is going to be The Book of Boba Fett, and then we go into production right after that on The Mandalorian, back with the main character that we all know and love... ...
The Book of Boba Fett: Created by Jon Favreau. With Temuera Morrison, Ming-Na Wen, Frank Trigg, Collin Hymes. Bounty hunter Boba Fett and mercenary Fennec Shand navigate the underworld when they return to Tatooine to claim Jabba the Hutt's old turf.
Boba Fett rules the criminal underworld with respect in the first trailer for the next live-action Star Wars series on Disney+, The Book of Boba Fett.
Next month,The Book of Boba Fettwill follow up onThe Mandalorianseason 2’s shocking post-credits scene, which placed Boba Fett on the throne of his old boss, Jabba the Hutt. However, a new trailer for the upcoming Disney+ series suggests that Boba has learned from Jabba’s mistakes. Ins...
The Book Of Boba Fett (German Trailer 1)Related Videos 0:31 Stream Now The Book of Boba Fett 31 0:31 The Book Of Boba Fett: Season 1 The Book of Boba Fett 11 0:31 The Book Of Boba Fett: Reign The Book of Boba Fett 11 1:47 The Book Of Boba Fett The Book of Boba Fett 11...
Check out the first trailer below and tell us your thoughts in the comments. ‘The Book of Boba Fett,’ a thrilling Star Wars adventure teased in a surprise end-credit sequence following the Season 2 finale of ‘The Mandalorian,’ finds legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett and mercenary Fennec ...