有供他人作书籍内容了解,快速查找定位所需,古今神秘主义内容简单科普之用。建议阅读原书,获取原文pdf文档,请通过私信联系 @西西米西西书本第一部分索引魔法具体到仪式魔法再具体到黑魔法与时代多少年来的羁绊,Waite直呼理解万岁,然后讲研究目的,定义本书的概念,讲本书的起源,本书的前半部分,对于实用主义者来说基本...
【笔记】A.E Waite《黑魔/法与契约之书》the book of black magic and of pacts(二 知乎用户XreRAr 17 人赞同了该文章 书本第二部分索引 第二部分展示了完整的魔/典内容,有很多详尽的流程。是值得一看的,但笔者仍认为这本书对于实践者来说可以仅参考其框架(比如这里的整理),然后有针对性地阅读具体的书目...
therugy, sorcery and infernal necromancy. Completely illustrated with the original magical figures. Partial Contents: Antiquity of Magical Rituals; Rituals of Transcendental Magic; Composite Rituals; Key of Solomon; Lesser Key of Solomon; Rituals of Black Magic; Complete Grimoire; Preparation of the ...
说波特本月30 日前不会离开 ...will not be moved until the 30th of this month. 要等到他过完 17 岁生日 The day before he turns 17. 这是误导 This is a false trail. 傲罗办事处不再参与保护哈利·波特的行动 The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. ...
Black Magic Probe While setting up and using the Black Magic Probe has also been covered in wikis and blogs, I found that those description often only scratched the surface of the subject. With this guide, I set out to give a more comprehensive account. Over time, this guide has been upd...
作者:Arthur Edward Waite, 出版社:Obscure Press 副标题:Including the Rites and Mysteries of Goetic Theurgy, Sorcery, and Infernal Necromancy, also the Rituals of Black Magic 出版年:2020-10-1 页数:338 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781528770040 豆瓣评分 ...
File nameBlack_Magic_24.cbz Downloads 96 and 3659 views To download files pleaseLog inorRegister Rating 8.5/10(3votes) CommentsYou must be logged on to make a comment! NotesThere is more information about this book at thebottom of the page ...
The Black Book of Horror (Bk. 1) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The Black Book of Horror contains 18 excursions into the realms of terror. Ranging from the supernatural to the macabre, the stories selected for this anthology feature black magic, the dead, monstrous beasts, and things ...
hearts of Jamie, Diego, and Raven might be enough to break not only the long-held traditions of the Hegemony, though -- it might just break magic itself. Can the three find a way to avoid choosing one true pairing, or will they find that the colors of magic are a rigid black and ...
itthreetimes.Thousandsofblackbees到达了城堡。 arriveatthecastle. Findthestrangersandkillthem!“找到那些陌生人,杀了他们!”她 shesays.说。 Dorothyseesthebeesandcries:多萝茜看见了蜜蜂,叫道: Whatcanwedo?“我们能怎么办?” Takeoutmystraw!theScarecrow“把我的吸管拿出来!”稻草人对铁 saystotheTinWoodman...