This pilot trial found preliminary evidence that an SGM-tailored Facebook smoking cessation intervention increased reported abstinence from smoking, compared to a non-tailored intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION. NCT03259360. 展开 关键词: LGBT RCT gender minority intervention sexual minority smoking cessation ...
Thereby, the final goal is to ensure the quality of care and to use education to increase the quality of life for all pediatric cancer patients. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT04474678 (July 17, 2020)Similar content being viewed by others Research on the comprehensive ...
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Trial registration NCT00139997doi:10.1186/1471-244X-7-38Paul H DesanAndrea J WeinsteinErin E MichalakEdwin M TamYbe MeestersMartine J RuiterEdward HornJohn TelnerHani IskandarDiane B BoivinBioMed CentralBMC PsychiatryDesan PH, Weinstein AJ, Michalak EE, Tam EM, Meesters Y, ...
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