The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn Status: Finished Deep Work by Cal Newport Status: Finished “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” by Richard Feynman Status: Finished The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes Status: Finished Waiting for First Light by Roméo ...
37. THE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB by Richard Rhodes 38. BLACK LAMB and Grey Falcon by Rebecca West 39. AUTOBIOGRAPHIES by W. B. Yeats 40. SCIENCE AND CIVILIZATION IN CHINA by Joseph Needham 41. GOODBYE TO ALL THAT by Robert Graves 42. HOMAGE TO CATALONIA by George Orwell 43. THE AUT...
Fairchild Early Occult Memory Systems of the Lower Midwest 評論類 William H Gass, Tests of Time 2001年小說類 W.G. Sebald Austerlitz 非小說類 Nicholson Baker Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper 傳記類 Adam Sisman Boswellis Presumptuous Task: The Making of the Life of Dr.Johnson ...
Reviews the book "St. Ursula's Girls Against the Atomic Bomb," by Valerie Hurley.Engberg, Gillianbooklist
Why they kill : the discoveries of a maverick criminologist Richard Rhodes, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb , brings his inimitable vision, exhaustive research, and mesmerizing prose to this timely book that dissects violence and offers new solutions to the age old...
thoughtsandfeelingsastheorderofthewholetext.第三版高英bookI-lesson-2--Hiroshima课后练习答案 B.2.Wordsorexpressionsinthetextthatrevealthewriter'sattitudetowardtheatomicbombingareasfollows:1.…Ihadalumpinmythroatandalotofsadthoughtsonmymind…(L.5,Para1)2...thestrangeemotionwhichhadoverwhelmedmeatthestat...
AndtheyinvitedthephysicistEdward?Teller, 这位原hearts;子hearts;弹hearts;的发明者之一 oneoftheinventorsofthe?atomicbomb, 为能源的未来发表了一番演讲 tomakeaspeechaboutthe?futureofenergy. 他跟听众讲:“我们或许需要去寻找其他燃料供应 Weprobablyhavetolook?foradditionalfuelsupplies,?hetoldthecrowd. 因为燃烧...
fatheroftheatomic(原子的)bomb”.Asadramaaboutgenius,prideanderror,it11thelifeofthe Americantheoreticalphysicistwhohelpedresearchanddevelopthetwoatomicbombsthatwere droppedonHiroshimaandNagasaki,twocitiesinJapan,duringWorldWarII. Oppenheimerisagreatachievement,partlybecauseit12relatesthatperiodofhistorythanksto Nolan’...
原子弹的危害(The danger of an atomic bomb) The pollution of the environment, with decades of barren, Japans Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the chances of having a baby deformed! The energy released causes enormous damage to characters around the tens of kilometers. In addition to the affected ...
Rick Riordan’s beloved young-adult fantasy book series consists of five novels, starting with “The Lightning Thief,” which follows Percy as he finds out his father is a Greek god, making him a demigod. He and his friends are given the task of finding and returning Zeus’s lightning bol...