Integrated Paper-Based and Digital Learning Material for Smart Learners (pages 2545-2557) Sabrina Leone Download This Chapter $37.50Add to CartPreview Chapter Leveraging Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning for Future IS Security Professionals (pages 2558-2570) Ciara Heavin, Karen Neville, Sheila ...
An Open Learning Format for Lifelong Learners' Empowerment (pages 1517-1528) Sabrina Leone Download This Chapter $37.50Add to CartPreview Chapter Reflection as a Process From Theory to Practice (pages 1529-1539) Sonia Bharwani, Durgamohan Musunuri Download This Chapter $37.50Add to CartPreview Chap...
It is an essential skill for distanee learners because they study alone most of the time. They do not meet their tutors or classmates very. However, distanee learners can learn a lot from each other. So aut onom ous lear ning and collaborative lear ning go hand in han d. I am a ...
Novice and experienced learners and ubiquitous learning, as an innovative learning strategy, seems to be a promising learning approach to support situated learning with peer communications, however, these new learning scenarios might be too complex for the students because of the requirement of integral...
I wanted a run round the test circuit (圈),but we got stuck in a traffic jam, and could only drive no faster than walking.// We arrived at the test centre at 11 am. Stan made me watch a group of six learners emerging from the building with their respective (各自的)examiners. ...
Three patterns of CD in TTD CURRICULA BASED ON NEEDS OF LEARNERS CURRICULA BASED ON ACADEMIC SUBJECT MATTER CURRICULA BASED ON THE NEEDS OF SOCIETY 一、以学科为中心设计课程的模式学科中心课程在早期又称分科课程The subject design is both the oldest school design and the best known—to both ...
(2) There are two main factors that influence motivation change: learners’ personal factors including learners’ foreign language learning goals, foreign language learning self-confidence, learning achievement, and classroom context factors, including factors like classroom activities, the teacher and ...
systemthatassistedlearnersinlearningtopracticeandapplycomputerprogrammingbased ontheircontextualinformationandfoundthatstudents‘computerprogrammingskillswere increasedthroughexperiment.ArsovicandStefanovic(2020)introducedanadaptive e-learningmodel,whichconsistedofthestudentmodel,theadaptationmodule,theexpert systemfordataanalys...