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YA Literary Agents 2024-2025 | Facts and Statistics Finding a publishing agent for young adult books is easier when you know the facts. For example: Which YA publishing agents are looking for new writers? Which publishing agents for young adult literature have the best track record of sales?
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I just didn't know how to ___.My mother suggested I focus on short stories ___ a book. It worked and I longed for others to see my ___. But at that time, it was impossible to get my childish writing ___ on paper!It was when I was twelve and had almost ___ the thought ...
I Capture The Castle《我的秘密城堡》 by: Dodie Smith 道迪·史密斯 这本书以幽默的笔调,描绘了年少的情愫和一些家长里短。经典书单里需要有这样比较“欢快”的书作为调剂哦! A 'children's book' that speaks volumes (ha) about unrequited love and dysfunctional families. Timeless. And funny. (and we...
cried an old woman sharply from among the crowd beneath the window. "I just put it to you! A thousand livres parisi for a mass! and out of the tax on sea fish in the markets of Paris, to boot!" "Peace, old crone," said a tall, grave person, stopping up his nose on the ...
lady--her large, somber eyes seemed to hold so many secrets. It was my first encounter with historical fiction. I had no understanding of the time period and didn't know a thing about Jane Austen. While my friends drifted away, I sat on the floor and started to read. Within a few ...
Simon shrugged. “I know I did. I meant to, but . . .” What I wanted to say was But you’re selfish and only think of yourself. Still, we were friends now, not boyfriend and girlfriend, and I needed to act like a friend. So I tempered my reaction. “I know that you’ve ...
大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编)第一册Bookl Unit6答案 上传人:新*** IP属地:河北上传时间:2023-05-28格式:PDF页数:183大小:19.92MB积分:15版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩178页未读,继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领...