confirm, change or advance knowledge. If you are publishing with Springer Nature you are responsible for the way your research is organized and conducted. It is therefore important that the work you submit has been carried out in line with international standards for responsible research publication...
Tutorial by Watts, for journalists Tutorial by Taback K-means Tutorial, UC Business Package: sociome - access to social determinants of health data Stats Package: precisely - estimate power size based on precision Operations research Paper on using R for OR Website with resources Package: om...
The series is unique in focusing on the publication of scholarly works that employ social and cultural perspectives as foundations for research and other scholarly activities in the three fields implied in its title: science education, education, and social studies of science. ...
The CCIS series is devoted to the publication of proceedings of computer science conferences. Its aim is to efficiently disseminate original research results in informatics in printed and electronic form. While the focus is on publication of peer-reviewed full papers presenting mature work, inclusion ...
AU Press is the preeminent press for Air Force-related publishing. Air University General Order No. 54, 28 September 1953, brought AU Press into being to support the mission of AU. The press was chartered to publish significant contributions of research and scholarship in the Air University, ...
Martin A. Uman
6)What is the Committee on Publication Ethics supposed to function? To provide a sounding board for editors who are struggling with how to best deal with possible breaches in research and publication ethics. ;Set 1 (from Para. A to E) 1. outstrip (A) 2. bar (C) 3. referee (C) 4...
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies Of the University of Lethbridge In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree This study empirically examines the performance of the Historical Simulation with ARMA forecast (C&M) methodology developed by Cabedo and Moya (2003...
Book Description: As an introductory textbook for social work students studying research methods, this book guides students through the process of creating a research project. Students will learn how to discover a researchable topic that is interesting to them, examine scholarly literature, formulate ...
Maximize Your Research Impact: Embrace the power of open access research and witness immediate delivery of your publication through major research discovery channels, including ResearchGate, ProQuest, EBSCO, and more. Open access ensures your work is freely shared, read, and cited by the global resea...