This is a textbook on informal homotopy type theory. It is part of the Univalent foundations of mathematics project that took place at the Institute for Advanced Study in 2012/13. License This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Distribution Com...
Acquihiring - destroying companies, bringing people to your company. A way to hire great people who otherwise wouldn't join you. Yahoo paid 30M for Summly Many companies have the following strategy - hire average and train them to champions They al...
In my sample app, I’m just creating an additional cookie that’s managed by the FbHelpers class (see the accompanying source code for details). Note, though, that the access token is subject to some expiration rules. If you authenticate using server-side code ...
He was given by the waiter a 47 from the couple, saying what a great father he was and that they would like to leave some 48 for his meal. “Today your meal is on my wife and me,” it read. “ 49 ...
everydayasIhadtoleavefortheofficewhileatthesametimehewantedtosetout.Sincetherewerehardlyany footpathsinKarachi,myfathersaidhewasdelightedtowalkontheroadashewascertaintherewouldn’tbemuch trafficinthemorning. ThoughIkepthiminformedthatourhousewasneartheparkandwasmadeofredbricksincasehegotlost,I wasstilllessconfid...
just oblivion. Reading revs me up, so I can't have all that going on before bed. Many of my books I keep in the car, as I am chronically early to things, so I read while I wait. At the moment I'm readingHappy Hourby Marlowe Granados. It's on the back seat waiting for me....
I don't even have it for myself. I left San Francisco, where I live, on Monday, and I was getting on the plane for this conference.And my daughter, who's three, when I dropped her off at preschool, did that whole...
But what is deliberate practice? For writing to be practice, it requires five things: Theory. You must learn the book writing process. Practice. You must put the theory to practice. A Coach. You must have someone to guide you in the process. ...
Onefatefulsummer,Icameacrossanopportunityto___inavolunteeringprograminaremotevillage.___,Iwashesitant,fearingthechallengesandthe___itmightbring.Butdeepdown,therewasasparkof___andadesireforsomethingmoremeaningful. Withaheavyheartandabackpackfilledwithhope,Isetaboutmy___.Thefirstfewdaysweretough,adjustingtothe...
C.Strengthenconnectionswithclosefriends.D.Relyonstrongconnectionsforopportunities. 33.Howdidtheresearcherstesttheweaktietheory? A.Bycarryingoutonlinesurveys.B.ByinterviewingLinkedInemployers. C.Bytrackinguserdataandjobmobility.D.Byconductingalarge-scalejobfair. ...