Target Words Page acid, administration, administrative, biotechnology, cholesterol, coalition, deceptive, The New Bioco diabetes, eliminate, erosion, ethics, explicit, framework, manufacture, mechanism, 98 16 minimize, nectar, notion, regime, straightforward bankrupt, conform, employ, expel, extension, ...
WATCH THIS TRAILER for a favorite film (remind of you any recent trailer?): LOCATION OF THE MONTH: I believe I have found the actual motel that inspired the one in Ian Fleming’s THE SPY WHO LOVED ME. Write for more! Did you hear the ...
103oneshots单击电路负序阻抗:negativesequenceimpedance 104scaling缩放零序阻抗:zerosequenceimpedance 105ESR等效串联电阻电阻:resistor 106Ground地电位电抗:reactance 107trimmedbandgap平衡带隙电导:conductance 108dropoutvoltage压差电纳:susceptance 109largebulkcapacitance大容量电容无功负载:reactiveload或者QLoad 110circuitbreak...