2023 has been a super busy year. This is the year when the United Kingdom and the freedoms we held tightly fell a part. Like last year the strikes haven’t stopped and thecost of living crisisisn’t going anywhere. I have avoided Covid but opted to have the flu jab,which is still...
Then, boy, do I have the perfect book for you! Join James for today’s dissection of The Bill of Obligations, the latest turgid tome of trash from Richard Haass, the outgoing president of the Council on Foreign Relations. Watch onArchive/BitChute/Odysee/Rokfin/Rumble/Substack/Download the ...
was an insight which the entire medical community dismissed as nonsense, untilDr. Barry PriceDr. Barry Marshall risked his own life and drank his toxic broth to prove them wrong.
— It has a nonsensical title: “Fact Check: The British Medical Journal Did NOT Reveal Disqualifying And Ignored Reports Of Flaws In Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trials” — The first paragraph inaccurately labels The BMJ a “news blog” ...