The deciding test: if any population still had smallpox, the victims could be tested by breathing into a particle counter (the sort used for air quality in cleanrooms.) Or, test other diseases: people suffering from poxvirus which isn't Smallpox. Remember, evaporation does not produce aerosol...
5、—Jimfailedhismathtestlastweek.What’shappenedtohim? —Ittakeshimtoomuchtime___hisfriendsonline. A.tochatwith B.playingwith C.talkwith D.gotonwith 6、IthinkJourneytotheWestis___ofalltheChinesenovels. A.interestingB.moreinteresting C.mostinterestingD.themostinteresting 7、Parentsmustbepatient...
(Qld) • Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (Tasmania) • Department of Labour New Zealand • Institution of Engineers Australia • State Chamber of Commerce • Victorian WorkCover Authority • WorkCover New South Wales This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as ...
A field test on the underground coal gasification process (itself rather unusual in concept and execution) has been completed and controllable UCG operation and stable process gas production has been demonstrated. Design for the carbon capture process has been completed and construction is in progress...
Printed by APN Print, QLD. 4 THE TRACTOR YOU WANT IS NOW EASIER TO FIND MAXIMUM UPTIME IS ALWAYS ON OUR MIND BECAUSE IT’S ALWAYS ON YOURS Sowing and harvesting seasons don’t wait for downtime. To get maximum yields, you need to stay up and running. Steiger tractors ...
(CMR) at driving power IGBTs and MOSFETs used in motor control VCM = 1500 V inverter applications. The high operating voltage range • 0.5 V maximum low level output voltage (VOL) of the output stage provides the drive voltages required Eliminates need for negative gate drive by gate ...
化学品中英文名称对照表.doc,aacetate 乙酸盐 active;activity 活性;活度 atomic 原子的 atto[希腊字头] a;A acid 酸 Aacceleration 加速 ampere 安培[电] aniline 苯胺[促进剂] area of cross-sectn 横断面积 aromaticoil 芳香族油 ngstrom 埃[长度单位] A°absolute tem