“I really believe in the power of reading to open up a new type of thinking that can allow you to access your thoughts more clearly and to analyze information that is presented to you in a deeper way,” Henry told the News. “I believe in the power of fiction to add depth to t...
Best and Fastest Books LLC specializes in acquiring used books in the Tri-State area (New Jersey, New York City, and Connecticut). We will pick up and clean out any unwanted books for FREE, as well as purchase high-end collections. ...
NEWARK, N.J.-When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg appeared on Oprah Winfrey's show five years ago this week toannounce a $100 million donationto remake education in Newark, it was presented as an effort to make a struggling city a national model for turning around urban schools. Advoc...
“Sorry,” said I. “I must live for the sake of American kidlit. From where the sun now stands,” quoth I, “I will sleuth no more forever. I am getting the hell out of the Wild West and going gaily back to the dear dogshit sidewalks of New York City with Tyler Vaught. I wi...
David Waldstreicher is a recognized writer and historian who holds the title of Distinguished Professor of History, based at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. As an editor and author, he has published various works in the field of historical nonfiction. His writing is noted for...
I just used Dolly to expedite getting donations to Goodwill. It was quick and easy - not usually the case living in the heart of a major city. Will absolutely use again!Some of our favorite donation sitesHow Dolly works 1. Enter your details Tell us when, where, and what you need hel...
Website:https://anytimeauthorpromotionsevents.com/flirty-in-kansas-city Our major goal for 2025 is to redesign Bookreporter and the rest of the sites in The Book Report Network. How can you help? We have launched aGoFundMecampaign and are asking for donations.Anylevel of donation that you ...
Andrew Williams Born on September 22, 1966, in New York City: • Youngest son of a Pastor • Worked in Business management, as an Analyst and a Consultant for fortune 500 companies in both New York City and Atlanta for businesses such as: IEE, Merrill Lynch, AT&T, NCR, Home Depot ...
Jake LoSanto is making his professional ballet debut with the Imperial Dance Company in New York City. This is an exceptional accomplishment for a ten-year-old boy, but he tells no one outside his family as he fears that he will be bullied for his ballet dancing. Jake finds that hiding...
A Peer-to-Peer Campaign to Promote Organ Donation Among Racially Diverse College Students in New York City Due to the documented disparities in organ transplantation, individuals from racially diverse backgrounds are encouraged to register as donors and communic... Thomas Hugh Feeley, Ashley E Anker...