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Goodcoffee,goodbreadandgoodm usicshowthatMontrealisaFrench city.AlsothesignsandadsareinFr ench. FindouttheplacesofinterestinToront oandMontreal ? Toronto:CNTower,thegreatNiagaraFalls,C hinatown ? Montreal:theolympicstadium,StLawrenceRi ver,restaurantsandclubs Toronto TorontofromtheCNTower. CNTower ...
In this valley, far away from the ups and downs of History, he experiences sexual harmony with Ilona, the love of his life. He’s friends with the foreman, the doctor and the pope, three other eccentric drunkards. With the three of them, he comes close to the secret of time and hap...
I can barely see through my bangs. We were supposed to take Flora in for a trim in September but what with one doctor’s appointment and another and another… Appointment for haircut. Such a normal, ordinary thing to do. The effort involved in making that telephone call, to make those ...
When the doctor tells Erin she can go home, she is so excited! But being back at school is not at all what she expected – so much has changed, and Erin must reconcile the safe realm she’s just left with a world outside that has become unfamiliar. With Mom and Dad’s love and ...
Life centered around school, church, and the hockey rink, and every boy’s hero was Montreal Canadiens hockey legend Maurice Richard. Everyone wore Richard’s number 9. They laced their skates like Richard. They even wore their hair like Richard. When Roch outgrows his cherished Canadiens ...
Letmehelpyou.ShallIcallforthedoctor? 你哪里疼 Wheredoesithurt? 发生了很糟糕的事 Somethingterriblehappened. 我得为一个手无寸铁的男孩做点什么爱伦 Ihavetodosomethingforadefenselessboy,Ellen. 你现在的健康状况根本不能出去 Youreinnoshapetogoout. 我很遗憾发生了这样的事 Imverysorryforwhathappened, 但无论...
■Thedoctormayinsertthinneedlesintotheskinofapatientatkeypointsalong meridians. -医生可以把一些细针沿病人身上的经络插进穴位中。(关键点) ■Everythingisready,soIcallthemorningpaperuponthescreen. -一切准备就绪,于是我旃报调入屏幕。(喊叫) ■Thiskindofwoodworkseasily. -这种木料易于加工。(工作) ■Thepatient...