Art & Photography examples: Wonderlandby Annie Leibovitz On Photographyby Susan Sontag Essays This genre often follows a unifying theme. These essays—or speeches transcribed—cover the writer’s personal experiences, usually told in the first person. Essay examples include: A Room of One’s Ownby...
Check out AuthorsOnMission's Book cover contest… The Brief Title Reality-Shattering Insights: Begin Life's Journey Author Craig Polsfuss Author biography Craig Polsfuss, a licensed psychologist and former clinical social worker, pioneered the Three Principles movement in the 1980s after a powerful...
Author biography Diana Hillyer is an inspiring 39-year-old mother who is deeply committed to her work as an advocate and author on parenting children with special… Book description This comprehensive guide offers 12 proven strategies to help you embrace your child's diagnosis, master their unique...
It seems only fitting that Harvey Freedenberg, a longtime “SNL” viewer who vividly remembers watching the premiere episode on October 11, 1975, cover this book for us. In his review, he calls it “a biography that’s both enlightening and entertaining” and goes on to say, “Morrison du...
As a group biography though, I think there needed to be a more central hook that linked the couples more coherently together, or at least some analysis that’s a little more groundbreaking than the revelation that creativity and ego usually put strain on marriages. Continue reading → 3 ...
Types of book album, almanac, anatomy, annual, anthology, armorial, A to Z, atlas, autobiography, Baedeker, bestiary, bibelot, Bible, biography, breviary, brochure, casebook, catalogue, catechism, coffee-table book, comic book, commonplace book, companion, compendium, concordance, confessional, ...
There are some authors whose reputation is so huge they don’t require any introduction. But for all the rest, a short biography is very useful. And I do mean short. I don’t need their life history; Just two or three sentences is enough. What I look for most is a clue about their...
This brief biography is worth the price of the book. I’ve read and reviewed the first book years ago, but I’ve copied (and edited/updated) it here. THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ – L. Frank Baum So many people think they know this book because they are so familiar with the classic ...
Bibliography and references: Include these for non-fiction books to credit your sources. Author bio: Add your photo and a brief biography. Index: For non-fiction books, list topics alphabetically with their page numbers at the end.6
The best use of a photo, in my opinion, would be for a nonfiction book. If it’s a biography, use an old photo of the famous figure before they got famous. Or display the author confidently smiling on the cover to help readers trust that they know what they’re talking about. ...