The book with cover and the back cover customizable, in accordance with its new provision, comprises two bodies (1 and 2), preferably of plastic material, transparent, rectangular, United States off, leaving the inside faces free, forming opening in the upper part (3 '), the opening ( 3)...
Don't judge a book its cover 不要以貌取人Don't judge a book by its cover, " the old saying goes. Unfortunately, as 俗话说,“不要以貌取人。”不幸的是,a teenager ,that is often exactly what you do to yourself,.(what引导表语从作为青少年,这往往正是你对自已所做] ) Dark thoughts ab...
网络封面 网络释义 1. 封面 百度词典搜索_封 ... 封门[ seal a door with paper]封面[the front and back cover of a book] 封皮[ envelope] ...|基于22个网页
Holly Rayner has a much better cover on this book. We have a lot of similar elements, but the color scheme of the background is more in-line with the romance genre. Deep purples and no neon tell the reader “this is a romance book.” ...
Don't judge a book by its cover不要以貌取人①covern.封面;封底俗话(saying)说ont judge a book by its cover, ”the※front/back cover封面/封底“不要以貌取人。”不幸old saying goes. Unfortunately, as afrom cover to cover从头到尾的是,作为一个青少年,这往往就是你对自己做teenager, that i...
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“copying” book covers. After a lot of back and forth and nasty comments, even between her and the GetCovers owner, or whoever he happened to be, what it boiled down to was she was a book cover designer who was angry they could charge so little and she felt it was eating at her ...
you can't judge a book by its cover (谚)人不可貌相;海水不可斗量 bring to book 要求作出解释;要求作出说明 in one's book 认为:根据某人的看法 In my book they both are wrong. 在我看来他们俩都错了 like a book 透彻地;全面地 I know my child like a book. ...
money back guarantee. What that means is, that you can order your ebook cover, safe in the knowledge that if you don't like what we produce, and you don't want us to fix it, then you get your money back, and we keep the cover. No ifs, ands or buts. And no questions asked!
Check out hollyolseny's Book cover contest… The Brief Design inspiration Title Letters From My Future Wife The Brief Author Holly Olsen Author biography Holly's background is rooted in finance, corporate banking, and strategy. About a year ago, she embarked on a transformative journey, ...