女士说传递的信息是将幸福作为优先于金钱的事情 (making happiness a priori时over money),A项 “把幸福而不是金钱放在首位”正确,prioritizing与录音中的priority是同根词。男士介绍女士是一本新书的作者,并未提及B项“加入俱乐部以获得她的新书”。C项“明智地管理自己的个人财务”未在录音中提及。女士说赚更多的...
neuro psychiatrist) constant questions about mental illness and childhood trauma as I read this book. Don’t let that deter you though. The story is a beautiful one of strength and resilience, of flaws and struggle. I have a feeling this book will stick with me for a long time. Read it...
My must-read book club books for 2023 feature new releases in a variety of genres. There's something for everyone on this book list!
D.Happiness.【3】Why do people get a sense of loss after reading a bookA.They are addicted to the characters.B.They say good-bye to their friends.C.They know the person in the book.D.They are fond of reading.【4】What is the best title for the passageA.Imagination after an ...
I realized, through thorough reflections, that the most powerful questions would be ones that helped me make better choices today —questions exploring personal growth, regrets and unfulfilled actions. Actually, you don’t need to wait for time travel or advanced AI for answers that you can act...
Ask the right questions.Everything you read should be questioned. You can question the writer’s ideas, whether they’re explaining information correctly. When reading something you agree with, you can ask yourself, “Is it possible that this could be wrong” Asking the right questions will dec...
My name is Kassidy. I'm a lifelong eclectic reader whose life was changed when I started to read from a Christian perspective. Reading this way taught me the importance of junk in = junk out and actually experiencing the deep happiness and creativity that God has created us for! I'm ...
and personal experiences of survivors willing to speak to him.On My Honoris a long-overdue reckoning, right down to what it truly means to live out the last condition of the Boy Scout Oath: to keep morally straight. It poses big questions about the future of the BSA. --Michelle Anya An...
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With this and other questions waiting to be answered, Offshore offers a delightful glimpse of the workings of an eccentric community. As I haven’t read the introduction yet, I might be missing some of the more literary or subtle points. ...