Hyun Sook is trying to restart her banned book club but has to hide from a boy she suspects of being a spy. Taehee and Kiwoo are trying to build up the nerve to confess their feelings for one another, while Suji pines after her crush, ready to risk it all and finally tell someone...
内容简介:Whether it's Roman punch with The Age of Innocence, Sabzi Challow (spinach and rice) and lamb with The Kite Runner, or ambrosia with To Kill a Mockingbird, nothing spices up a book club meeting like great eats. Featuring recipes and discussion ideas for one hundred popular club se...
Grade 9, sure, yeah, I had a decent amount of friends in pretty much all my classes because we had so little options in terms of courses that obviously we’d be grouped together somewhat. And we’re still meeting new people and making new friends anyway! Grade 10, a bit less so but...
everyone at the party was freaking out over this cake. I had to ask for her recipe. She happily told me it was from the Sticky Fingers vegan cookbook. The very same Sticky Fingers we had gone to on our trip to D.C. So of course, I scooped up the cookbook and let me tell you,...
9 Lunar New Year gift ideas for the Year of the Dragon Read more Hong Kong travel information Country / Region Hong Kong SAR Time zone GMT +08:00 Currency HKD Airport code HKG Language Cantonese, English Climate Subtropical Find the best fares to ...
9. Have aChildren’s Book-ThemedCake A baby shower cake isn’t just a delicious treat — it’s also a fun way to boost yourbook-themed baby showerstyling. Order a custom cake featuring a scene or character that matches thechildren’s bookor style of your party. If a big cake isn’...
And Ruby has lots of ideas about what she wants to be: maybe an animal conservationist? Or an archaeologist? She’s great at excavating (i.e. digging holes). Or maybe an inventor? She’s already invented a book with smells instead of words (so dogs can read it) and a time machine ...
do yourself in Canva for free. I recently called out a “designer” for doing exactly that, and the icing on the cake was another member of the FB group posted her cover with the same exact photo and said she, too, had been taken for a ride. The universe was on my side that day...
But it’s also about Mya’s growing social justice interest, her involvement with the school’s Social Justice club (particularly campaigns to assist Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, where her mom hails from). Along the way, she takes some cooking lessons from her aunt and readers are treated ...
50. “Remember…The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe…eatcake.” 51. “Arguing with a foolproves there are two.”– Doris M. Smith 52. “I did my waiting! 12 years of it! In Azkaban.”— Sirius Black ...