Dr. Peter Attia is my doctor and also my friend. He is a specialist in longevity and someone I trust with my life. What separates him from others is his pursuit of quality of life from all angles—physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual health. This incredible book is a ...
Dr. Peter Attia is my doctor and also my friend. He is a specialist in longevity and someone I trust with my life. What separates him from others is his pursuit of quality of life from all angles—physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual health. This incredible book is a ...
彼得·阿提亚(Peter Attia)博士当时作为发言人之一,在会上发表了一场名为“胆固醇内幕”(The Straight Dope on Cholesterol)(在Google上检索此关键词,可以查阅到阿提亚博士就此主题发表的10篇博客系列文章)的演讲。他提出了一个有趣的观点:通过饮食摄入的胆固醇只有15%被人体吸收和利用,而剩余的85%全被排出体外。于...
内容概要:Bothasurgeonandaself-experimenter,PeterAttiahopestoeasethediabetes epidemicbychallengingwhatwethinkweknowandimprovingthescientificrigorinnutrition andobesityresearch. 作为一个年轻的外科医生,彼得?阿迪曾蔑视了一个糖尿病患者。他认为,她体重过量,最终导致足部截肢也 不过是罪有应得。但是多年之后,一场突病使...
Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevityby Peter Attia, MD with Bill Gifford Ryan Park Senior Analyst, Fund Accounting & Operations Mainstream medicine primarily focuses on the treatment of age-related diseases with the goal of extending lifespan. However, Dr. Peter Attia – an expert i...
Loyaltyby Lisa Scottoline (Putnam) Hang the Moonby Jeannette Walls (Scribner) The Perfumist of Parisby Alka Joshi (Mira: Harlequin) Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevityby Peter Attia, MD, written with Bill Gifford (Harmony) These books and others publishing the week of Mar. 27, 2023...
1. OUTLIVE by Peter Attia with Bill Gifford: A look at recent scientific research on aging and longevity. 2. ON TYRANNY by Timothy Snyder: Twenty lessons from the 20th century about the course of tyranny. 3. THE ANXIOUS GENERATION by Jonathan Haidt: A co-author of “The Coddling of the...
‘Outlive’ by Peter Attia ’The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck’ by Mark Manson ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear ‘I Will Teach Your to be Rich’ by Ramit Sethi ‘Thinking Fast and Slow’ by Daniel Kahneman ’Sapiens’ by Yuval Noah Harari ‘The Body Keeps Score’ by Bessel van...
Gain a complete understanding of “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak from Blinkist. The “The Book Thief” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
¥100 【中商原版】超越百岁长寿的科学与艺术OutliveThe PeterAttia ¥1939 预订绿茶多酚:现代生活的保健营养品GreenTeaPol Juneja,LekhR.;Kapoor,MahendraP.;Okubo, ¥132 预订OutliveEveryPrognosis[ISBN Langley,Dave ¥163.05 【预订】TheInnerGameofTennisTheC Gallwey,W.Timothy|Carroll,Pete|Klein...