Before proceeding to data analysis, We applied procedural remedies to minimize and statistical tests to check CMB (Podsakoff et al.,2003). Regarding procedural remedies, we used already developed and tested measurement items. Yet, we conducted a pre-test with three academicians, two PhD students ...
soredatthedateoftheirmostrecentbloodtestsorthemounatoryvariable(i.e.,anytreatmentorno dateofnon-liver-relateddeath,ifapplicable.treatment).Wedidnotaccountforthebaseline, weight-adjusteddoseofUDCAbecausethesedata EXNATORYVARIABLESwerenotavailable.However,weidentifiedasubgroupof ...
6NHS Blood Transplant, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust, Oxford, 7Depart- ment of Haematology, Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, London, 8Intensive Care Unit, Morriston Hospital, ABMUHB, Swansea, and 9Critical Care and Centre for Inflammation Research, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh Un...