这与国外研究AI和BHR二者相互影响,加重哮喘病情的结论一致。 This interaction with foreign research AI and BHR both can aggravate asthma conclusion is consistent. 肺虚失肃,脾虚失运,肾虚失化 Bronchial asthma for lung, spleen, kidney dysfunction. 津聚成痰,伏藏于肺 各种外因 body fluid condensed phlegm,...
鼻咽癌标志物临床应用专家共识.pdf,专家共识 鼻咽癌标志物临床应用专家共识 中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会鼻咽癌标志物专家委员会 【关键词】鼻咽癌;标志物;EB 病毒;筛查;早期诊断;预后判断 【中图分类号】R739.63 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-5671(2019 )03
本研究为了明确轻-中度哮喘患者小气道功能异常与气道高反应的严重程度之间是否有关联 The degree of BHR was expressed as PD20 (in μg) and as ΔFVC%. Peripheral airway resistance was measured pre- and post-MCT by impulse oscillometry system (IOS) and expressed as R5-R20 (in kPa sL?1). An ...
19. Ni Bhrolchain CM. Routine or selective school entry medicals: a review of current literature. Public Health, 1993, 107(1): 37-43. 20. Barlow J, Stewart-Brown S, Fletcher J. Systematic review of the school entry medical examination. Arch Dis Child , 1998, 78(4): 301-311. 21....
儿童喘息性疾病的鉴别诊断与常规处理.pptx,儿童喘息性疾病的鉴别诊断与常规处理 背景(1)1. 儿童的喘息是很常见的问题 1/3的儿童喘息至少第一次发作是在出生的第一年内 J.Pediatr 1971,78:397~406 以后仍然有喘息的发病率为30-60% Am.J.Respir.Crit.CareMed.1995,151:1~44 背
FEV1 200ml Bronchial provocation test: bronchial hyperreactivity post-FEV1 20% PEP variation Allergen test Fractional Exhaled nitric oxide(FeNO) Lab testing Blood eosinophils Chest X-ray Blood gas analysis 1.反复发作性喘息、呼吸困难、胸闷或咳嗽,多与接触变应原、冷空气、物理化学剌激、病毒感染、运动等...
Summit2009:BeyondtheGuidelines GeneColice,MD,FCCP,1 andWilliamJ.Calhoun,MD,FACP,FCCP,FAAAAI,FACAAI2 the bronchoconstriction with EIB in asthma patients ap- Abstract: Exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) involves airway pears to correlate with their degree of bronchial hyperre- 1 sponsiveness (BHR...
本研究为了明确轻-中度哮喘患者小气道功能异常与气道高反应的严重程度之间是否有关联 The degree of BHR was expressed as PD20 (in μg) and as ΔFVC%. Peripheral airway resistance was measured pre- and post-MCT by impulse oscillometry system (IOS) and expressed as R5-R20 (in kPa sL?1). An ...
本研究为了明确轻-中度哮喘患者小气道功能异常与气道高反应的严重程度之间是否有关联 The degree of BHR was expressed as PD20 (in μg) and as ΔFVC%. Peripheral airway resistance was measured pre- and post-MCT by impulse oscillometry system (IOS) and expressed as R5-R20 (in kPa sL?1). An ...
本研究为了明确轻-中度哮喘患者小气道功能异常与气道高反应的严重程度之间是否有关联 The degree of BHR was expressed as PD20 (in μg) and as ΔFVC%. Peripheral airway resistance was measured pre- and post-MCT by impulse oscillometry system (IOS) and expressed as R5-R20 (in kPa sL?1). An ...