To further our environmental commitment, we are a member of 1% for the Planet and have donated funds to plant a tree for each bouquet we have sold - that's over 3 Million Trees so far!Pictured:Hanukkah Wishes / Starlit Nativity / Winter Magnolia / Mini Winter Joy Wreath Pop-Up Card /...
原创力文档创建于2008年,本站为文档C2C交易模式,即用户上传的文档直接分享给其他用户(可下载、阅读),本站只是中间服务平台,本站所有文档下载所得的收益归上传人所有。原创力文档是网络服务平台方,若您的权利被侵害,请发链接和相关诉求至 电话:400-050-0827(电话支持时间:9:00-18:30) ...
To further our environmental commitment, we are a member of 1% for the Planet and have donated funds to plant a tree for each bouquet we have sold - that's over 3 Million Trees so far!Pictured:Hanukkah Wishes / Starlit Nativity / Winter Magnolia / Mini Winter Joy Wreath Pop-Up Card /...
Do Trees Have Mothers? by Charles Bongers (Douglas & McIntyre) 34. Health Issues GOLD But I’m Not Sick by Andrena J. Zeigler; illustrated by Mark Brayer (Palmetto Publishing) SILVER Axel's Adventure: Back to School with Type 1 Diabetes by Thomas Budnick; illustrated by Lana Lee (Self...
To further our environmental commitment, we are a member of 1% for the Planet and have donated funds to plant a tree for each bouquet we have sold - that's over 3 Million Trees so far!Pictured:Hanukkah Wishes / Starlit Nativity / Winter Magnolia / Mini Winter Joy Wreath Pop-Up Card /...
In spring, the cub marvels at the way the new plants grow; summer brings hot days of playing under the sun; in fall, the two crunch in leaves that have fallen from the trees; and when winter comes around again, the snowflakes cheer the winter skies as they fall asleep beneath the ...
Seed to Plant, National Geographic Kids, Kristin Rattini. Kids see plants, flowers, and trees around them every day. In this lively and educational reader, they’ll learn how those plants grow. Kids will take this magical journey from seed pollination to plant growth, learning about what plant...
From pigeons and jumping spiders to swamp milkweed and maple trees, these two explorers get to know every part of their local environment. But after an accidental move from the country to the city, Mole and Vole worry that everything will be different. As they explore, they discover plants...
To further our environmental commitment, we are a member of 1% for the Planet and have donated funds to plant a tree for each bouquet we have sold - that's over 3 Million Trees so far!Pictured:Hanukkah Wishes / Starlit Nativity / Winter Magnolia / Mini Winter Joy Wreath Pop-Up Card /...
Twelve-year-old Ted (Zac Efron) lives in a place virtually devoid of nature; no flowers or trees grow in the town of Thneedville. Ted would very much like to win the heart of Audrey (Taylor Swift), the girl of his dreams, but to do this, he must find that which she most desire...