This 1996 film, directed by Danny DeVito, is a blend of comedy, drama, and fantasy that won acclaim for its engaging storytelling and strong performances. It explores themes of resilience, self-empowerment, and the power of kindness in an unjust world. Released: 1996 Directed by: Danny ...
This 1996 film, directed by Danny DeVito, is a blend of comedy, drama, and fantasy that won acclaim for its engaging storytelling and strong performances. It explores themes of resilience, self-empowerment, and the power of kindness in an unjust world. Released: 1996 Directed by: Danny ...
Horror books are perfect for readers who enjoy a good scare and love the thrill of spooky stories. Witnessing characters conquer their fears will empower your own child to tackle their own, building theircourageandresilience. Kids ages 6 to 8 will delight in theEerie Elementary series, part of...
You write about how to build resilience in kids, in part by helping them understand their strengths. Is this a model for helping employees as well?Grant: I think so, with the caveat that parenting is way harder than leadership. One of the drivers of resilience in kids is “mattering”—...
Solution Tree: The Resilience Revolution: Discovering Strengths in Challenging Kids.(Brief article)(Book review)Patton, Carol
Light Perpetualis about five kids killed by aV-2rocket that hits a Woolworths on a Saturday in 1944 in the fictional south London neighborhood of Bexford. They die in the opening pages of the book: sisters Jo and Valerie, and their classmates and neighbors Alec, Ben, and Vernon. Spufford...
Sara O’Leary pulls back the curtain on the animal world and gives us absolutely charming little one-line “facts” about an animal for each letter of the alphabet. Kids will love to see their own quirks reflected in these adorably-rendered creatures, and perhaps will be comforted to know ...
As children’s book authors we always hear that patience and resilience are essential attributes in this industry – so there is some proof. I would also add gratitude. I’m so grateful to be able to write children’s books and to be able to share my books with people of all ages –...
Children raised by the Blue Parenting style grow up very connected to their parents, self-governed with solid boundaries in place, loving, and well-adjusted. They develop a deep sense of empathy, responsibility, and resilience. About the Author Chinara Crumpton is the number-one bestselling autho...
There’s nothing about kids’ books Jo doesn’t know. She’s an absolute diamond and she hosted my very first signing for Escape to the River Sea. If you’re not following the shop on twitter you’re missing out! @rshipbshop A favourite library… Gateshead Public Library is one of ...