* 可编辑 Signs and tests Breast MRI(乳房核磁共振成像) to help better identify the breast lump(帮助更好地辨别乳房肿物的性质) or evaluate([?‘v?lj?e?t]) an abnormal change on a mammogram(评估乳房造影摄片上可见的异常改变) Breast ultrasound([‘?ltr?sa?nd])(乳房超声检测) to show whether...
equivocal mammogram, ultrasound, or physical examination finding Axillary node malignancy and unknown site of primary tumor Monitoring response to chemotherapy Breast cancer screening in women at high risk Nipple discharge Breast cancer staging Congenital Abnormalities Polythelia Polymastia Amastia Athelia Acu...
09:48:57 @aristeia_dave Flap over mammogram frequency advisory case in point. 10:04:42 @sandymaxey Hopkins, I believe, gives nurses authority to stop doc if he skips a checklist item. 10:11:02 "Best use" of "evidence" in medicine: "Doc, you may over-ride the evidence, but you ...
health maintenance /mentənəns/ 健康保持 7. mammogram report X线检查 8. physical examination 体检 9. side effect of a medication 药物的副作用 10. perpetual panic 永久的 11. practicing physicians 12. trans nt field 移植领域 13. medical budget 医疗预算 14. paracetamol tablet / ˌpær...
Breast Cancer in women Follows latency of at least 10-15 years Higher risk with high dose radiation and age of treatment under 35 Risk approaches 20% by age 45 years old Start annual Breast MRI and Mammogram 8-10 years after chest or axillary radiation (or by age 40 years) Lung Cancer ...
Signs and tests Breast MRI(乳房核磁共振成像) to help better identify the breast lump(帮助更好地辨别乳房肿物的性质) or evaluate([?‘v?lj?e?t]) an abnormal change on a mammogram(评估乳房造影摄片上可见的异常改变) Breast ultrasound([‘?ltr?sa?nd])(乳房超声检测) to show whether the lump ...
Before scheduling a mammogram, the cardiologist and mammography clinician should weigh the potential risks against the benefits and evaluate other diagnostic options. To minimize device manipulation or angular stress that a mammography procedure can cause, allow sufficient time for the Reveal LINQ ICM ...
Signs and tests Breast MRI(乳房核磁共振成像) to help better identify the breast lump(帮助更好地辨别乳房肿物的性质) or evaluate([?‘v?lj?e?t]) an abnormal change on a mammogram(评估乳房造影摄片上可见的异常改变) Breast ultrasound([‘?ltr?sa?nd])(乳房超声检测) to show whether the lump ...
BilateralmammogramandUSof bothbreastsandregionalLNsL,A] MRIforspecialsituations[1,A] Corebiopsy Confirmeddiagnosis Assessbiomarkers:ER,PgR,HER2*,Ki-67[1,A] InHR+/HER2-NO-1(ifrelevantfortherapydecision): geneexpressionassays,endocrineresponseassessment[I,B] ...
A. –tomy B. -stomy C. –tome D. –ectomy D9. A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called ___. A. electroencephogram B. electromyogram C. electrocardiogram D. electroencephalogram d CA10. Stethalgia means the pain of chest, which can also be expressed in ___. A....