医学影像英语词汇 部位 location : 同侧 ipsilateral ;对侧 contralateral ;患侧 affected side ;健侧 intact side ;近侧 proximal side ; 远侧 distal side ; 移位 deviation, shift, displacem ent ; 无移位 nondisplaced ; 抬高 elevation ; 下降 descent, fall ; 邻接 abutting, next to, secondary to ...
A COMPLETE History Physical HISTORY Date and Time of history: Identifying Data: Source of history, source of referral: Reliability: Chief complaints: quote the patient’s complaints, like “My stomach hurts and I feel awful”; or report their goals, like “I have come for my regular ch...
is a 56-year-old female who was completely asymptomatic when a routine mammogram showed two lesions. She underwent diagnostic testing and had a mastectomy and auxiliary lymph node dissection. Diagnosis – T3 (more than 5 cm) N0(0/6 lymph nodes) M0. poorly differentiated invasive ductal ...
000 .9991 0 1/10,000 .9906 .00001 1/1000 .913 .00005 1/500 .840 .00010 1/200 .677 .00025 1/100 .510 .00051 Indexes of Diagnostic Accuracy Type of Diagnostic Tests (Feinstein, 1977) Screening or discovery tests: mammogram, fasting blood sugar - required high sensitivity = high false...