医学影像英语词汇 部位 location : 同侧 ipsilateral ;对侧 contralateral ;患侧 affected side ;健侧 intact side ;近侧 proximal side ; 远侧 distal side ; 移位 deviation, shift, displacem ent ; 无移位 nondisplaced ; 抬高 elevation ; 下降 descent, fall ; 邻接 abutting, next to, secondary to ...
A COMPLETE History Physical HISTORY Date and Time of history: Identifying Data: Source of history, source of referral: Reliability: Chief complaints: quote the patient’s complaints, like “My stomach hurts and I feel awful”; or report their goals, like “I have come for my regular ch...
Lobular carcinoma in situ 二、侵襲性乳癌 A.早期侵襲性乳癌 B.局部晚期乳癌 A 、Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) DIAGNOSIS WORKUP •History and physical exam •Diagnostic bilateral mammogram Stage 0 •Pathology review TisN0M0. •Determination of tumor estrogen receptor (ER) status. B 、...
or below hypo low sodium LoNa lower arch of the jaw MAND lower extremity LE Lunelle MPA/E2C lung L Lupus Erythematosus LE Luteinizing Hormone LH Lymphogranuloma venerum LGV M magnesium Mag, Mg Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI Make Yours A Fresh Start Family MYFSF mammogram Mammo mandibular md. ...
Now it seems team to show that the apes could also cancer screening, for example, to chimpanzees and bonobos also have remember which items were relevant give more reliable mammogram the smarts to recall thrilling scenes. to a plot. In the first screening, a results. The findings suggest ...
000 .9991 0 1/10,000 .9906 .00001 1/1000 .913 .00005 1/500 .840 .00010 1/200 .677 .00025 1/100 .510 .00051 Indexes of Diagnostic Accuracy Type of Diagnostic Tests (Feinstein, 1977) Screening or discovery tests: mammogram, fasting blood sugar - required high sensitivity = high false...