including Animate, Ohayocon, Colossalcon, and Matsuricon. She has also appeared at conferences in Japan when she worked as an assistant language teacher of English in Kumamoto prefecture.She has also lived abroad in Wales in addition to
N.B. The books listed here are NOT cited in the technically-correct style/fashion, but only contain the information needed to find them in a library or book seller catalog. I have generalized some publication source names (e.g. ClarendonOxfordUP to the more simple OxfordUP), and abbreviated...
An ancient family curse roars back to life in Sara Sligar's superbly dark second novel,Vantage Point. Sligar's fiendishly clever thriller delivers a hefty dose of horror-tinged suspense while expertly navigating contemporary themes such as online violations of privacy and the head-spinning speed wi...
available. 5. A. Stay in the dormitory. B. Ask for a cut in her rent. C. Move into an apartment. D. Pay more attention to her privacy. 6. A. The man saw Emma wearing the sweater. B. The sweater is very common. C. She seldom borrows clothes from Emma. D. She did wear the...
2021 has been a tricky year there is has been so much going on. I was going to round it up as 2 jabs and a blood test but now that’s 3 jabs and a blood test. I’m also expecting next year it will be 2 more jabs and a blood test. I’m still not comfortable with injections...
Denbighshire,Wales,19-21May Otleywalkingfestival Thislocalfestivalhasgrownfromhumbleoriginsin2000intoabusyscheduleof50short-distancewalksandeventscelebratingthelivesandlandscapesofWharfedaleinWestYorkshire.OnemightenjoytheFivePubsWalk,WalkingWithWine,FourMorePubsorLostPubsofOtley.Allwalksarefree,thoughthereissometimes...
Beatrice Gallwey had come to South Australia from the colony of New South Wales. Her husband had died, the way husbands so often do. A bite from a flea or a mosquito, they said, and some infection of the blood. It hadn’t taken terrifically long. They didn’t like each other much,...
Chad. My Chad in that photo.When I focus on my hands, Chad’s sticky hair coats them, blood seeping between my fingers as I scream for help in a deserted street. My chest aches at the memory. With my eyes closed, I swallow, and my throat is scratchy. I pushed these memories down...
When things were at their absolute worst with Flora last spring—just before I took her out of the hospital and to Wales, against medical advice, to honour a promise—I went to get a long overdue haircut. My hairstylist is an artist and a genius (Rose Mossa, 403.283.8281). She perform...
WHAT in 華之逸窗簾美學、英國斯林百蘭名床-敦南旗艦店、open for kids 新竹遠東、D-PORM Furniture、樂台茶、惠宇制作、艾蕎安精品、NEXHYPE、翰王府養生餐館北大店、佳音英語古亭分校、24h3c行動數位、a la sha 尋寶樂園 新北土城門市、寶島眼鏡台南民族路、大和數位印刷館、娜麗莎婚紗攝影-台中分店、冠豐蘆筍園、...